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War Diary mentions

19 September 1944 WO 171/1397 - 2 East Yorkshire Regiment
On continuing to A objective A Coy came under hy MG fire from 5/6 MG on canal bank, and were pinned down in the open. When B Coy arrived an attack was carried out with A Coy on the left and B Coy on the right, and all MG’s silenced. Further opposition came at this time from small parties of enemy dug in along B Coy’s line of advance. Rifle fire and grenades. OC ‘B’ Coy, Major Riall was wounded in this action. B Coy remained on objective, A Coy pushed fwd with intention progressing as far as possible towards HAMONT. C & D Coys held up by above action were unable to move for some hours, and conc neighbourhood of br. In darkness, in the very close country, control and direction difficult to maintain. The searchlights in use for the br building were kept on all night by request of the Commanding Officer, and without these the op would scarcely have been possible. For some time A & B Coys were out of touch, wireless not functioning in the close country, and patrols sent out to contact these coys took a long time to do so. When situation finally ascertained remainder of bn moved along canal bank and formed a tight layer in B Coy’s area. A Coy, who had reached WINTER 4595 remained there.


  • - War Diary
