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Gille, Herbert Otto 'Papa'

Date of birth:
March 8th, 1897 (Gandersheim, Harz, Germany)
Date of death:
December 26th, 1966 (Stemmen/Hannover, Germany)
Service number:
SS-Nr.: 39.854 // NSDAP-Nr.: 537.337


SS-Obergruppenführer und General der Waffen-SS Herbert Otto Wilhelm Hermann ("Papa") Gille

01.09.1914: Fähnrich
27.01.1915: Leutnant
31.03.1919: Oberleutnant a. D.
10.10.1931: SS-Anwärter
25.09.1932: SS-Scharführer
27.01.1933: SS-Truppführer
20.04.1933: SS-Sturmführer
20.04.1935: SS-Obersturmführer
09.11.1935: SS-Hauptsturmführer
20.04.1937: SS-Sturmbannführer
19.10.1939: SS-Obersturmbannführer
30.01.1941: SS-Standartenführer
01.10.1941: SS-Oberführer
01.12.1942: SS-Brigadeführer und Generalmajor der Waffen-SS
09.11.1943: SS-Gruppenführer und Generalleutnant der Waffen-SS
09.11.1944: SS-Obergruppenführer und General der Waffen-SS

00.00.1903-00.03.1909: Bürgerschule, Gandersheim then Gymnasium, Braunschweig
00.04.1909-00.04.1914: Preußische Kadettenkorps, Kadettenschule, Bensburg-am-Rhein
00.04.1914-00.08.1914: Haupt-Kadettenanstalt Groβ-Lichterfelde
10.08.1914-28.12.1914: Fähnrich, 2. Badischen Feldartillerie-Regiment Nr. 30, Rastatt
29.12.1914-24.01.1919: Reserve-Feldartillerie-Regiment 55, 75. Reserve-Infanterie-Division, Truppenübungsplatz Heuberg
27.01.1915: Zugführer and Batterieoffizier
00.01.1917: Führer, 1. Batterie
25.01.1919-31.03.1919: 2. Badischen Feldartillerie-Regiment Nr. 30
31.03.1919: discharged from active military service
00.00.1920-00.00.1921: Administrator, Bamhof
00.00.1921-00.00.1923: Administrator, Abbesbuttel, near Meine
00.00.1922-00.00.1926: "Stahlhelm"-Bund
00.00.1923-00.00.1925: Inspector, estate near Immendorf, Salzgitter, then estate Bährdorf bei Oebisflede, near Magdeburg
00.00.1925-00.10.1927: Independent inspector, private estate Stemmen bei Hannover
00.00.1928-00.00.1929: Independent inspector, private estate Poggenhagen bei Neustandt am Rübenberge
00.00.1929-00.00.1931: Travelling salesman, Büssing-NAG Vereinigte Nutzkraftwagen, Braunschweig
00.00.1931-00.00.1933: Self-employed businessman in the automotive field
01.05.1931: Joined the NSDAP
10.10.1931: Joined the SS
30.09.1932-27.01.1933: Führer, 5. Sturm, I. Sturmbann, 49. Standarte, Braunschweig
27.01.1933-20.04.1933: Führer, Motorstaffel, 49. SS-Standarte
28.02.1933-00.03.1933: Führer, 49. SS-Standarte
20.04.1933-09.04.1934: Stabsführer, SS-Abschnitt IV, Braunschweig
20.07.1933-27.10.1933: Degraded and expelled from the SS and NSDAP due to conduct undermining to the Nazi Party and detained in the Brauschweig district prison for 14 weeks
09.11.1933: proceedings against him were dismissed
14.02.1934: acquitted and readmitted to the NSDAP and SS at his original rank of SS-Sturmführer
09.04.1934-29.05.1934: Führer z.b.V., II. Sturmbann, 49. SS-Standarte, Goslar
29.05.1934-09.11.1935: transferred to SS-Verfügungstruppen as Führer, 11. Sturm, III. Sturmbann, SS-Standarte 1 later redesignated SS-Standarte Deutschland", Ellwangen
07.06.1934-14.08.1934: I. Sturmbann, SS-Standarte 2, SS-Verfügungstruppen
28.02.1935-07.08.1935: Kompanieführer-Lehrgang, Infanterieschule Döberitz
09.11.1935-01.10.1936: Führer, 12. Sturm, III. Sturmbann, SS-Standarte "Deutschland"
01.07.1936: redesignated 19. Sturm, IV. Sturmbann, SS-Standarte "Deutschland"
01.07.1936-01.10.1936: Führer, 19.(MG-) Sturm, IV. Sturmbann, SS-Standarte "Deutschland", Ellwangen
01.10.1936-15.02.1937: Major im Stab, Stabsführer, SS-Standarte "Germania"
01.10.1936-25.11.1936: Führer, III. Sturmbann, SS-Standarte "Germania"
01.02.1937-01.05.1939: Führer, II. Sturmbann, SS-Standarte "Germania"
00.00.1937-00.00.1937: Lehrgang für Stabsoffiziere, Heeressportschule Wünsdorf
00.00.1937-00.00.1937: Gasschutzlehrgang, Berlin
03.05.1938-12.05.1938: Bataillon-Kommandeur Lehrgang, Infanterieschule Döberitz
25.03.1939-01.06.1939: Formationsstab, SS-Artillerie-Standarte, SS-Verfügungstruppe, Truppenübungsplatz Münsterlager
13.04.1939-16.05.1939: instructional course, Artillerieschule Jüterbog
01.06.1939-15.11.1940: Kommandeur, I.(schw.) Sturmbann, SS-Artillerie-Standarte "V" later redesignated I. Abteilung, SS-Artillerie-Regiment, SS-Verfügungstruppe, Jüterbog
15.11.1940-01.05.1943: Kommandeur, SS-Artillerie-Regiment, SS-Division (mot.) "Germania", SS-Division (mot.) "Wiking" then renamed SS-Panzer-Grenadier-Division "Wiking"
01.02.1942-20.06.1942: Führer, SS-Infanterie-Regiment "Westland"
20.06.1942-31.07.1942: Kommandeur, Korps-Artillerie, SS-Generalkommando, Bergen-Fallingbostel
31.07.1942-01.05.1943: Kommandeur, SS-Infanterie-Regiment "Westland", SS-Division (mot.) "Wiking"
09.11.1942: redesignated SS-Panzer-Grenadier-Regiment "Westland", SS-Panzer-Grenadier-Division "Wiking"
00.07.1942-00.10.1942: Kommandeur, Kampfgruppe"Gille" made up of elements from "Wiking" and 13. Panzer-Division - fighting around Rostov-on-Don
22.11.1942-08.02.1943: stellvertretender Führer, SS-Panzer-Grenadier-Division "Wiking"
01.05.1943-06.08.1944: Kommandeur, 5. SS-Panzer-Division "Wiking"
06.08.1944-08.05.1945: Kommandierender General, IV. SS-Panzer-Korps
08.05.1945-21.05.1948: captured by U.S. troops at Radstadt west of Wien and initially imprisoned at Salzburg
23.05.1945: transferred to Augsburg then to Dachau
00.00.1946: Lagerführer, War Criminals Camp Stuttgart-Zuffenhausen then Sandbostel, Fallingbostel,
00.06.1946: Nürnberg
21.05.1948: released, owner of a small bookstore in Stemmen/Niedersachsen
00.04.1949: tried by the Entnazifizierungs-Spruchkammer (de-Nazification court) in Hannover and sentenced to 18 months’ imprisonment
00.00.1949: sentence revised and released due to the 3 years already done - categorized de-Nazification Category V reflecting his status as a minor offender
00.00.1950: active in the Waffen-SS veterans’ organization, HIAG and founded the "Wiking" Division veterans’ organization "Truppenkameradschaft Wiking e.V." - with Paul Hausser became members of its managing committee
00.11.1951-26.12.1966: founder and editor of the HIAG news organ "Wiking Ruf" later renamed "Der Freiwillige"

Do you have more information about this person? Inform us!

First World War (1914-1918)
with swords
Militärverdienstkreuz III. Klasse
Awarded on:
February 1934
Ehrenwinkel der Alten Kämpfer
First World War (1914-1918)
Awarded on:
Ehrenkreuz für Frontkämpfer
Awarded on:
December 16th, 1935
Julleuchter der SS
SS-Dienstauszeichnung 4.Stufe (4 Jahre)
Awarded on:
DRL Sportabzeichen in Silber
Awarded on:
December 1st, 1936
Silberes SA-Sportabzeichen
Awarded on:
December 1st, 1936
Ehrendegen des Reichsführers-SS
Awarded on:
December 1st, 1937
Awarded on:
December 1st, 1937
Bronzes SA-Sportabzeichen
Awarded on:
SS-Dienstauszeichnung 3.Stufe (8 Jahre)
Awarded on:
April 1st, 1939
Dienstauszeichnung der NSDAP 10 Jahre
Awarded on:
Medaille zur Erinnerung an den 13. März 1938
Awarded on:
Medaille zur Erinnerung an den 1. Oktober 1938
Second World War (1939-1945)
SS-Obersturmbannführer (Lieutenant-colonel)
Kommandeur, I. Abteilung, SS-Artillerie-Regiment 5
Awarded on:
October 26th, 1939
1939 Spange zum Eisernes Kreuz 2er Klasse 1914
Second World War (1939-1945)
SS-Obersturmbannführer (Lieutenant-colonel)
Kommandeur, I. Abteilung, SS-Artillerie-Regiment 5
Awarded on:
November 21st, 1939
1939 Spange zum Eisernes Kreuz 1er Klasse 1914
Second World War (1939-1945)
SS-Standartenführer (Colonel)
Kommandeur, SS-Artillerie Regiment 5, SS-Division "Wiking"
Awarded on:
May 1941
(Allgemeines) Sturmabzeichen (ohne zahlen), I.Stufe
Second World War (1939-1945)
SS-Oberführer (Brigade General)
Kommandeur, SS-Artillerie Regiment 5, SS-Division "Wiking"
Awarded on:
February 28th, 1942
Vorschlag submitted by Div.-Kdr. Felix Steiner.
Deutsches Kreuz in Gold
Second World War (1939-1945)
SS-Oberführer (Brigade General)
Kommandeur, SS-Artillerie Regiment 5, SS-Division "Wiking"
Awarded on:
September 15th, 1942
Second World War (1939-1945)
Awarded on:
Verwundetenabzeichen 1939 in Silber
Second World War (1939-1945)
SS-Oberführer (Brigade General)
Kommandeur, SS-Artillerie Regiment 5, SS-Division "Wiking", LVII. Panzerkorps, 17. Armee, Heeresgruppe A
Awarded on:
October 8th, 1942
Gille’s Knight’s Cross recommendation reads as follows…

“Following the crossing of the Don river SS-Oberführer Gille led the Division’s Vorausabteilung as far as the Kuban. On the 28.07.1942 this unit engaged fleeing enemy columns near Seljonaja Roschtscha (south of the Don), smashing these and thereafter continuing the attack as far as Rakowo Tawritscheski even as it was getting dark. By doing so it prevented the enemy from retreating towards the south.

On the following day Oberführer Gille and his Vorausabteilung ejected strong elements of the 31st Rifle Division from their positions just to the south of Rakowo Tawritscheski and proceeded to capture the decisive and well-defended villages of Beswodnij and Andronoff. The enemy positions were broken through, and the unit commenced a bold thrust towards Metschetinskaja while disregarding the strong enemy elements along both open flanks. This village was likewise attacked as darkness fell and captured via an enveloping attack.

Among the prisoners were members of 10 different divisions of the enemy’s 12th Army as well as parts of the Army’s HQ that had fled to Metschetinskaja as a result of the thrust on the afternoon of the 29.07.1942.

On the 30.07.1942 the village of Jegorlikskaja was taken, and those elements of the 12th Army that had been deployed for defense there were thrown back. The rearward services of the 31st rifle division were ratted out and Sredny Jegolyk was reached in the late evening.

After this the commander of a Zerstörergeschwader (Major Giesing) landed beside the Vorausabteilung. He alerted the Vorausabteilung to the fact that it was far ahead of all elements of the neighbouring Armee (17. Armee) and that uncounted numbers of Russians were moving around in its flanks and rear. On that same night the enemy attacked Ssredny Jegorlyk from the west with numerous tank and infantry forces (the latter including a motorized brigade) in order to destroy the Vorausabteilung. However they were repulsed with heavy losses. The counterthrust by newly arrived elements of the 14th Tank Corps was smashed.

With this forward thrust, Gille’s Vorausabteilung significantly aided the forward movement of the 17. Armee’s eastern wing (namely the 125. Infanterie-Division), which was staggered to the west and rear. The Vorausabteilung also facilitated the secure march of the 13. Panzer-Division as it advanced behind Gefechtsgruppe Gille on the other flank, specifically in an easterly thrust towards Salsk.

On the 01.08.1942 Oberführer Gille ejected the 21st motorized rifle brigade from the area around Belaja Glina in hard close combat, captured the village and continued its thrust towards Dimitrijewka during the same night.

This bold and ruthless thrust deep into the enemy by Gille’s Vorausabteilung meant that the Kuban river was very swiftly approached, and the Division was thereby able to successfully reach and cross the river on the 03.08.1942. In all of this combat Oberführer Gille almost always led from the frontline, giving his men an example of energy and spirit as he did so. He continued to demand ruthless action from his men even during the night, inspiring them all the way through his personal devotion to duty and contagious impulse.

He enabled:

a) The swift advance of the neighbouring east wing of the 17. Armee.
b) The smooth transition of the 13. Panzer-Division’s advance towards the east by throwing back those enemy forces to the latter unit’s front.
c) The swift attainment of the Kuban river.

He captured the following prisoners and booty:
8283 prisoners
28 artillery pieces
18 anti-tank guns.

He made a decisive contribution through his harshness, focus and ruthlessness. His actions facilitated the smooth flow of friendly operations south of the Don and the reaching of the Kuban river from the north in an unexpectedly short time.

In all of these engagements he has never shied from getting personally involved in the combat. Without this demeanour such a decisive success would have been unthinkable. He has thereby fulfilled the requirements for the awarding of the Knight’s Cross. This is being advocated for here.

Gille has served at the frontline without pause since 1939. He has distinguished himself as an Abteilung and regimental commander on every day of the fighting in Poland, the West and the East. He also bears the German Cross in Gold.”

Vorschlag dated 18.09.1942 and signed by Div.-Kdr. Felix Steiner.
Ritterkreuz des Eisernen Kreuzes
Second World War (1939-1945)
Awarded on:
March 6th, 1943
with swords

Awarded with swords.
Vapaudenristin 1.luokka (VR 1)
Second World War (1939-1945)
SS-Brigadeführer / Generalmajor der Waffen-SS (Brigadier)
Kommandeur, SS-Panzergrenadier Division "Wiking"
Awarded on:
November 1st, 1943
Gille’s Oakleaves recommendation reads as follows…

“SS-Brigadeführer Gille took over acting command of the SS-Pz.Gren.Div. Wiking in October 1942. In May 1943 he was named commander of this SS-Division. He was awarded the Knight’s Cross to the Iron Cross for his successes as leader of a Vorausabteilung during the offensive battles of summer 1942 in the Caucasus.

In the recent fighting SS-Brigadeführer Gille has decisively intervened in the combat along the southern front on several occasions through the outstanding leadership of his Division.

He has distinguished himself through his confident and energetic leadership, his swift and superior issuing of orders and above all through his personal example and determination. His outstanding personal bravery in the foremost line was often the deciding factor in resolving situations both dangerous and critical alike.

It is primarily to his credit that his Division has been able to perform as well as it has over the course of numerous battles in the thick of combat on the southern front. Throughout this time it has shown true devotion to duty and earned the respect of its comrades in the Heer. It has been named several times in the Heeresbericht and in the press due to its exemplary achievements on the battlefield. And to this day it continues to hold a sector of over 25 km wide on the Dnieper river despite having been employed in heavy fighting for two years. All of this is thanks to the tireless readiness for duty, responsibility and dutifulness of its commander.

A breakdown of the Division’s success under the leadership of SS-Brigadeführer Gille are attached to this document as an addendum.”

315th Award. Vorschlag dated 30.10.1943 and signed by Reichsführer-SS Himmler; Personally presented by Hitler at Führer HQ “Wolfsschanze” on 13.11.1943.
Ritterkreuz mit Eichenlaub
Second World War (1939-1945)
Awarded on:
SS-Dienstauszeichnung 2.Stufe (12 Jahre)
Second World War (1939-1945)
SS-Gruppenführer / Generalleutnant der Waffen-SS (Lieutenant General)
Kommandeur, 5. SS-Panzergrenadier-Division "Wiking"
Awarded on:
February 20th, 1944
Awarded for the extremely distinguished leadership of his Division during the breakout from the Cherkassy pocket. In this time his Division was the spearhead of the German forces trapped within the pocket, and it played an invaluable role in allowing the encircled troops to escape.

47th Award. Immediate award, personally presented by Hitler at Führer HQ”Wolfsschanze” on 21.02.1944.
Ritterkreuz mit Eichenlaub und Schwertern
Second World War (1939-1945)
SS-Obergruppenführer / General der Waffen-SS (General)
Kommandeur, 5. SS-Panzer-Division „Wiking“
Awarded on:
April 6th, 1944
Second World War (1939-1945)
SS-Gruppenführer / Generalleutnant der Waffen-SS (Lieutenant General)
Kommandeur, 5. SS-Panzer-Division "Wiking"
Awarded on:
April 19th, 1944
Gille’s Diamonds recommendation reads as follows…

“The weeks-long, heroic defense of the totally encircled Fortress Kovel despite the greatest of supply difficulties and significant losses against a much superior enemy is solely attributable to the determined leadership and great personal bravery of the General [Gille].

This recommendation is being sent as a radio message due to the situation at the front. A written submission will follow.”

12th Award. Vorschlag dated 09.04.1944 and signed by Korps Kom. Gen. General der Infanerie Friedrich Hossbach; Countersigned by Armee OB Generaloberst Walter Weiβ, Heeresgruppe OB Generalfeldmarschall Ernst Busch, and on 19.04.1944 by by Reichsführer-SS Himmler.
Ritterkreuz, Eichenlaub, Schwertern und Brillanten
Second World War (1939-1945)
SS-Obergruppenführer / General der Waffen-SS (General)
Kommandeur, 5. SS-Panzer-Division „Wiking“
Awarded on:
September 2nd, 1944

