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Steel, David Edward Charles



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Second World War (1939-1945)
9th Queen's Royal Lancers, 2nd Armoured Brigade, 1st Armoured Division, British Army
Awarded on:
September 27th, 1940
For gallant and distinguished services in action in connection with operations in the field.
Distinguished Service Order (DSO)
Second World War (1939-1945)
"C" Squadron, 9th Queen's Royal Lancers, 2nd Armoured Brigade, 4th Infantry Division, British Army
Awarded on:
August 23rd, 1945
"On 13th April Major Steel was in command of "C" Squadron, 9th Lancers together with "H" Company, 2nd Bn. London Irish Rifles mounted in Kangaroos. His Squadron group led the advance of the Regiment from the ANTERNO to the River RENO. He was personally responsible for the assault crossing over the Scolo di Conselice at CAVAMENTO when the bridge had been blown in their faces. By his action he was able to get his tanks over in the dark and support the infantry on the other side with the result that at first light they were able to advance and capture LAVEZZOLA and proceed right to the banks of the River RINO taking upwards of 50 prisoners.

On 18th April Major Steel's Squadron group was responsible for capturing or destroying one battery of 4 enemy 105 mm guns, 3 88 mm guns and much enemy equipment and for taking over 200 prisoners and for seizing the bridged 1 mile S.E. of RIPAPERSICO intact.

On 21st April Major Steel once again led the Regiment in its 8,000 yards advance from the diagonal canal N.E. of S. NICOLO FERRARESE to the VOLANO river at CONA. The last 3,000 yards were accomplished in the dark against heavy enemy opposition. On entering the village of CONA, the Squadron and Company became involved in very heavy and confused fighting against enemy all round an in the houses. Bazookas were firing at his tanks at close range, machine gun bullets were flying in every direction and a 150 mm gun covering the bridge was firing over open sights into the tanks and infantry at 50 yards range. In spite of all this Major Steel never wavered in his determination to reach his objective. He personally directed the battle and succeeded in getting his tanks over the bridge which was prepared for demolition and covered the infantry into the 150 mm gun position and another S.P. gun which opened up further down the road. As a result of this action the important bridge at CONA was taken intact and many enemy captured or destroyed.

Throughout all these operations Major Steel has shown the greatest possible personal courage and has never wavered in his determination to support the infantry at all times and to reach his objective at all costs. His actions have resulted in the destruction of large numbers of enemy and much equipment and the capture intact of two vital bridged, both of which were prepared for demolition."
Military Cross (MC)

