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Kleeman, Reginald Waldemar

Service number:
963947 (NCO)/138886 (Officer)


Reginald Kleeman completed around 50 sorties in Lancasters of No. 83 Squadron as Navigator, many of them as a Pathfinder,

Warrant Officer
August 2nd 1942: Pilot Officer (probation/emergency)
February 2nd, 1943: Flying Officer (probation/war sub)
February 2nd, 1944: Flight Lieutenant (war sub)

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Second World War (1939-1945)
Flight Sergeant
No. 83 Squadron, Royal Air Force
Awarded on:
August 14th, 1942
"One day in July, 1942, P.Offr.. Partridge was pilot whilst F/Sgt. Kleeman was a navigator in a force of aircraft which participated in a daylight attack on a target in the Ruhr. When reaching the enemy's coast it was apparent that very little cloud cover was available and the attack would have to be made in the face of fierce opposition. Despite this, the aircraft flew on and by superb airmanship and magnificent crew copoperation, the German defences were evaded and the target successfully bombed. During the return journey the aeroplane in which Pilot Officer Partridge and F/Sgt Kleeman flying was attacked, first by 2 Me110's and later by 2 FW. 190's. The fire controller in the bomber was wounded, but F/Sgt. Kleeman who took over his duties displayed such skill that not only were the attackers were shaken off but 2 of them were damaged, one being probably destroyed. The skill courage and fortitude displayed by this officer and airman throughout this hazardous mission were reflected in a successful result acheived."
Distinguished Flying Medal (DFM)
Second World War (1939-1945)
Pilot Officer
No. 83 Squadron, Royal Air Force
Awarded on:
May 14th, 1943
Distinguished Flying Cross (DFC)
"This officer has now completed 47 operational sorties involving a total of 270 hours as Navigator. He has done two daylight operations on Danzig and Essen and in the first instance his brilliant navigation in the most appalling weather conditions enabled the target to be attacked. He has now completed 25 operational sorties with the Pathfinder Force and on all occasions his work has been most skillful. In December the aircraft in which he was a navigator had to stop one engine on it's way to Frankfurt, but although the speed was reduced by the loss of power, by brilliant navigation he enabled his pilot to attack at a proper time. This officer has throughout his operational tour has been an excellent example to his crew and collegues and his keeness and determination to press home his attack, often in the face of heavy opposition and at a low level, has been outstanding."
Second World War (1939-1945)

Air Crew Europe Star


  • - Third Supplement to The London Gazette Issue 35667 published on the 11 August 1942
    - Second Supplement to The London Gazette Issue 35914 published on the 19 February 1943
    - Fifth Supplement to The London Gazette Issue 35973 published on the 6 April 1943
    - Third Supplement to The London Gazette Issue 36015 published on the 11 May 1943
    - Third Supplement to The London Gazette Issue 36660 published on the 15 August 1944
    - British Medals