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Randall, Donald Charles

Date of death:
Service number:


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Second World War (1939-1945)
No. 2 Commando, 1st Special Service Brigade, Combined Operations Headquarters, War Office, British Government
Awarded on:
July 5th, 1945
Awarded for:
Operation Chariot
"On 28th March 1942 during the Commando raid at St Nazaire, France, Sgt Randall was a member of an assault force commanded by Captain Roy. The second in command of this force was wounded in the leg and unable to land, and Sgt Randall, showing great initiative, immediately took charge of the section and led it to its objective.
On arriving at the objective both his section and the remainder of the force were seriously depleted owing to wounds and it was found impossible to carry out the written orders. Realising this Capt. Roy immediately called for a volunteer to assist him to destroy two gun positions which were on top of the Pumping Station some 20 feet high at the top of a two storey building. Sgt Randall immediately volunteered.
With Capt Roy, in the face of heavy plunging fire, he reached the top of the building with a scaling ladder and with amazing coolness forced the enemy gun crew to withdraw and placed the charge on the guns and brought about their total destruction.
On completion of this task Sgt Randall went straight to the bridge where he took up a position without cover with an LMG, and with total disregard for his own safety, gave covering fire to the remainder of the force which had to cross the bridge.
Throughout the whole action this NCO's individual bravery, and total disregard of his own personal danger, was an example to all, and worthy of the highest traditions of the British Army. His cool courage is worthy of high recognition."
Distinguished Conduct Medal (DCM)

