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Macher, Robert Josef (Generalmajor)

Date of birth:
November 18th, 1902 (Munich/Bavaria, Germany)
Date of death:
October 22nd, 1949 (Lager 159, Odessa, Ukrainian SSR, USSR)
Service number:
SS-Nr.: // NSDAP-Nr.:
German (1933-1944, Third Reich)


Robert Macher died in Soviet imprisonment in 1949.

May 1st, 1921: Fahnenjunker;
December 1st, 1924: Leutnant (23);
April 1st, 1928: Oberleutnant (11);
July 1st, 1934: Hauptmann (21);
June 1st, 1939: Major (8);
March 1st, 1942: Oberstleutnant (43);
January 1st, 1943: Oberst (63);
January 30th, 1945: Generalmajor (21).

May 1st, 1921: Offiziers-Anwärter 19.(bayerisches) Infanterie-Regiment;
October 1st, 1928: Kompanie-Offizier 10. / 19.(bayerisches) Infanterie-Regiment;
October 1st, 1933: z.V. Chef des Heeresleitung - Offiziers Lehrgang;
August 24th, 1935: Kommandantur Regensburg;
October 15th, 1935: Generalstabsoffizier 10. Division;
April 1st, 1936: Generalstab;
April 1st, 1938: Ib 2. Gebirgs-Division;
August 26th, 1939: Ia 73. Infantrerie-Division;
March 10th, 1940: Ia Generalstab Höheren Kommando XXXI. Armeekorps z.b.V.;
August 1st, 1940: Führerreserve OKH Heereskontrollkommission Bourg;
June 1st, 1941: Führer Deutsches Verbindungs Kommando beim rumänischen Armee, Oberkommando 4;
October 24th, 1941: Führerreserve OKH, Dienst regelt GZ (Chef der Zentralabteilung des Generalstabs);
November 10th, 1941: Ia 12. Armee;
November 21st, 1941: Ia Generalstab 12. Armee;
July 15th, 1942: Führerreserve OKH, Dienst regelt GZ (Chef der Zentralabteilung des Generalstabs);
August 27th, 1942: Chef Generalstab XXXXIV. Armeekorps;
July 25th, 1944: Führerreserve OKH, mFb. Generalstab 2.Armee;
September 15th, 1944: Chef Generalstab 2. Armee.

Do you have more information about this person? Inform us!

Awarded on:
Nr. 1477
Ehrenzeichen des 9. November 1923 (Blutorden)
Awarded on:
October 2nd, 1936
Dienstauszeichnung der Wehrmacht 4.Klasse, 4 Jahre
Awarded on:
October 2nd, 1936
Dienstauszeichnung der Wehrmacht  3.Klasse, 12 Jahre
Awarded on:
May 1939
Dienstauszeichnung der Wehrmacht  2. Klasse, 18 Jahre
Awarded on:
Medaille zur Erinnerung an den 13. März 1938
Second World War (1939-1945)
Awarded on:
November 11th, 1939
Eisernes Kreuz 2. Klasse
Second World War (1939-1945)
Awarded on:
April 16th, 1940
Eisernes Kreuz 1. Klasse
Second World War (1939-1945)
Awarded on:
October 28th, 1941
with swords
Ordinul Coroana Romaniei Comandor
Second World War (1939-1945)
Oberst im Generalstab (Colonel to the General Staff)
Chef des Generalstabes, XXXXIV. Armeekorps, Heer
Awarded on:
September 20th, 1943
Deutsches Kreuz in Gold
Second World War (1939-1945)
Awarded on:
July 12th, 1944
with swords
Ordinul Steaua Romaniei Commander
Second World War (1939-1945)
Generalmajor (Brigadier)
Chef des Generalstabes, Armee Ostpreußen, Heer
Awarded on:
May 14th, 1945

According to Fellgiebel he received confirmation of the Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross presentation via radio transmission from the Dönitz Government to Armeeoberkommando Ostpreußen on 14 May 1945 so-called "Direkt-Verleihung". The AOK was still reachable until 12:00 noon on this day. This presentation is considered a direct presentation. There is no record of this presentation in the Heerespersonalamt (HPA - Army Staff Office). This presentation is illegal since it was made after 8-5-1945.
Ritterkreuz des Eisernen Kreuzes

