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Rumohr, Joachim (Waffen SS)

Date of birth:
August 6th, 1910 (Groß Borstelbu, Hamburg/Lower Saxony, Germany)
Date of death:
February 11th, 1945 (Budapest, Hungary)
Buried on:
German-Hungarian War Cemetery Budaörs
Plot: 1. Grave: UNK.
Service number:
SS-Nr.: 7.450 // NSDAP-Nr.: 216.161


Fallen during the battle for Budapest.

01.11.1933: SS-Untersturmführer
01.11.1935: SS-Obersturmführer
01.11.1938: SS-Hauptsturmführer
01.06.1941: SS-Sturmbannführer
01.11.1942: SS-Obersturmbannführer
01.04.1944: SS-Standartenführer
09.11.1944: SS-Oberführer
30.01.1945: SS-Brigadeführer und Generalmajor der Waffen-SS - RDA 15.01.1945

01.02.1931: joined the SS and the NSDAP
00.00.1934: SS-Ustuf, SS-Standarte 4
00.11.1935: SS-Ostuf, SS-Standarte 'Germania'
00.05.1938: SS-Ostuf, Chef, 12. Sturm, SS-Standarte 'Germania'
00.09.1939: SS-Hstuf, campaign in Poland
00.05.1940: SS-Hstuf, campaign in France
00.01.1941: SS-Hstuf, Führer, II. Abteilung, SS-Artillerie-Regiment 2, SS-Division 'Reich' - Operation Marita
01.06.1942: SS-Stubaf, Kdr, SS-Artillerie-Regiment 8, 8. SS-Kavallerie-Division
00.08.1943: SS-Ostubaf - fightings in the Dnepr region, Kremenchug, Kirovograd
01.04.1944: SS-Staf, Kdr, 8. SS-Kavallerie-Division 'Florian Geyer'
00.11.1944: fightings in Budapest
00.02.1945: SS-Brif, severely WIA during the attempt to break out from Budapest
11.02.1945: SS-Brif, committed suicide to prevent his capture by the soviet troops

Do you have more information about this person? Inform us!

Ehrendegen des Reichsführers-SS
Second World War (1939-1945)
Awarded on:
November 14th, 1939
Eisernes Kreuz 2. Klasse
Second World War (1939-1945)
Awarded on:
August 28th, 1940
Eisernes Kreuz 1. Klasse
Second World War (1939-1945)
SS-Obersturmbannführer (Lieutenant-colonel)
Kdr, SS-Artillerie-Regiment 8, 8. SS-Kavallerie-Division 'Florian Geyer'
Awarded on:
February 23rd, 1943

Award 314/10.
Deutsches Kreuz in Gold
Second World War (1939-1945)
SS-Obersturmbannführer (Lieutenant-colonel)
Kommandeur? SS-Artillerie-Regiment 8, SS-Kavallerie-Division „Florian Geyer“, Heeresgruppe Süd
Awarded on:
January 16th, 1944
Rumohr’s Knight’s Cross recommendation reads as follows…

“After elements of the division began participating in the battle area the personality of SS-Obersturmbannführer Rumohr became even more noticeable. The following events are for consideration:

11.10.1943, Hof. Sapolitschi: After attacking with the support of tank forces the Russians penetrated the main fighting line. Our infantry units were defeated. Hidden in the large cornfields, the Russian infantry emerged in our artillery positions. A battery chief organized the first resistance, then Rumohr quickly gathered an infantry battle group from his own units and the attached army troops and personally led it into a counterattack. He forced the enemy back behind an important route and during the night defended this newly-won position until the artillerymen were relieved by corps reserves the next morning.

17.10.1943, Klin: The remnants of the SS-Kavallerie Division were deployed north of Klin to prevent an advance from the route towards Piatichatky by the enemy that had broken through at Lichowka. By mistake the order given that day for retreat was not passed on to the SS-Kavellerie Division, so it still found itself in the middle of the enemy long after the neighbouring "Grossdeutschland" and 9. Panzer-Divisionen had carried out their withdrawal movements. It did not take long for the division to become nearly encircled. Here again Rumohr assembled elements of his artillerymen for an infantry action and assumed personal leadership. He shielded the SS-Kavallerie Division against enemy forces pressing from the western flank. With this action severe losses to our fully exhausted infantry elements were avoided.

20-21.10.1943, Saxagan: The SS-Kavallerie Division was assigned the task of defending Saxagan until the deployment of army reserves intended for a counterattack was completed. The infantry forces and the heavy infantry weapons assigned for this mission were extraordinarily weak in numbers given the objective. Rumohr commanded the five detachments arranged for this task. Through the skillful guidance of coordinated fire, evidence of his experience commanding artillery, the enemy attack groups were decisively smashed while still in their assembly positions, or so decimated during the attack that despite the weakness of our infantry it was possible to hold Saxagan for 48 hours. Rumohr and his troops repelled more than ten large attacks in this period. The commanding general of the LII. Armee-Korps expressed through his Korps artillery commander—besides a general recognition for all in the SS-Kavallerie Division—his personal acknowledgement to Rumohr for the superb employment of his artillery.

9-12.11.1943, north sector of Sofijewka: Here also the main burden of defense was borne by the artillery coordinated under the leadership of Rumohr. Through the independent guidance of artillery fire he repeatedly mastered the most difficult situations, such as during the enemy tank breakthrough towards Melodorowka, or during the infantry attacks in the area southeast of Schirokkin. In both instances, after rolling up the infantry units wide breaches were opened through which the enemy launched piercing assaults. Thanks to a clear impression of the situation and independent fire concentration with compact, quick, and good effect, here Rumohr also took a decisive part in the battle. His deeds were repeatedly praised by the commander of the 9. Panzer Division, Oberst Dr. Johannes Schulz.

Also, the supreme commander of the 1. Panzer Armee, General der Panzertruppen Hans Hube, has expressed his special recognition to Rumohr and the artillery led by him."

2538th Award.
Ritterkreuz des Eisernen Kreuzes
Second World War (1939-1945)
Awarded on:
October 9th, 1944
Second World War (1939-1945)
SS-Brigadeführer / Generalmajor der Waffen-SS (Brigadier)
Kommandeur, 8. SS-Kavallerie-Division 'Florian Geyer'
Awarded on:
February 1st, 1945
Awarded for his leadership and achievements while commanding the 8. SS-Kavallerie-Divison “Florian Geyer” during the battle for Budapest.

721st Award.
Ritterkreuz mit Eichenlaub

