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Bisdee, John Derek

    Date of birth:
    November 20th, 1915 (Weston-Super-Mare/Somerset, Great Britain)
    Date of death:
    October 21st, 2000


    Service number 76575.

    John Bisdee joined the RAF Voluntary Reserve, and began the war as a sergeant pilot. His combat career started while with 609 (West Riding) squadron RAAF, flying. They participated in the air cover of the evacuation of the British Expeditionary Force from Dunkirk. John Bisdee destroyed six aircraft between July 1940 and July 1941, including an Me110 during an eventful day in August 1940 when they attacked a strong Luftwaffe force of 45 JU88's escorted by many Me 109s and Me 110s. In July 1941 he became instructor at No 61 Operational training unit. While here he had a small speaking roll in the classic wartime film The First of the Few.
    He became commander of No. 601 Squadron and embarked along with 603 Squadron for Malta on board the US carrier Wasp. While off Algiers 47 Spitfires took of for Malta. and almost immediately upon arriving took part in combat. Bisdee shot down a JU88. He himself had to bail out. with a damaged parachute dangling by one leg, he had to disentangle himself as he fell, managing just in time and landing in the sea, paddling his way 6 miles in his dinghy to Malta.
    In June 1942 the squadron went to Egypt. In August John Bisdee became flight training officer at the Middle East Headquarters, Cairo, moving in 1943 as Wing Commander for day fighters in Tunisia. In July 1943, after the capture of the island of Lampedusa, halfway between Malta and Sicily, Bisdee was appointed its governor - the first governor in liberated Europe, as he liked to claim. Returning to North Africa, Bisdee trained Free French pilots at Bone. Later, after a brief spell in Corsica, he commanded No 322 Wing at Bone. In 322 Wing were three Spitfire squadrons, a Beaufighter Squadron a Wellington Squadron used in anti shipping role and an Air Sea Rescue unit. Group Captain John Bisdee left the Royal Air Force in 1945 with his offcial score of 8 destroyed and 2 shared.
    After the war Bisdee rebuilt Unilever's operations in France and Italy. In 1951 he was appointed sales director of D & W Gibbs, the toothpaste makers, of which he became chairman. Bisdee went on to chair Thibaud Gibbs in France, and then returned to Britain to run the newly formed Elida Gibbs - now Elida Faberge - which produced all Unilever toiletries. He retired in 1977.
    John Bisdee died at the age of 84 on the 21st October 2000.

    December 10th, 1939: Pilot Officer
    December 10th, 1940: Flying Officer
    December 10th, 1941: Flight Lieutenant
    June 18th, 1943: Squadron Leader (war sub)
    June 10th, 1945: Wing Commander

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    Second World War (1939-1945)
    Pilot Officer
    Awarded on:
    March 17th, 1941
    Mentioned in Dispatches
    Second World War (1939-1945)
    Flying Officer
    No. 609 (West Riding) Squadron, Royal Air Force
    Awarded on:
    July 11th, 1941
    "This officer has led his flight and section with great skill and determination. He has participated in a large number of operational flights against the enemy and has destroyed at least six of their aircraft besides damaging many others. He has set a fine example."
    Distinguished Flying Cross (DFC)
    Second World War (1939-1945)
    Acting Wing Commander
    Awarded on:
    June 8th, 1944
    Mentioned in Dispatches
    Second World War (1939-1945)
    Acting Group Captain
    Royal Air Force
    Awarded on:
    June 14th, 1945
    Officer of the Order of the British Empire (OBE)

