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Fuhrer, Ernest C.

Date of death:
March 16th, 1945 (Iwo Jima, Bonin Islands, Japan)


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Second World War (1939-1945)
Headquarters Company, 1st Battalion, 28th Marine Regiment, 5th Marine Division "The Spearhead", U.S. Marine Corps (Headquarters Company, 1st Battalion, 28th Marine Regiment, 5th Marine Division "The Spearhead", U.S. Marine Corps)
For meritorious service while serving as an Extra Observer for the 81-mm. Mortar Platoon of Headquarters Company, First Battalion, Twenty-Eight Marines, Fifth Marine Division, during action against the enemy on Japanese held Iwo Jima, Volcano Islands, from 19 February to 16 March 1945. Observing that communication was not established between a section of mortars and the regular observer at the front line, Sergeant Fuhrer obtained a reel of wire and, in the face of heavy mortar, machine-gun and sniper fire, laid the wire to the front lines. Later, he aided in organizing and leading groups of Marines against enemy snipers impeding the advance of the battalion. On 16 March, he boldly exposed himself to Japanese barrages in order to direct fire upon a sniper position, persevering until he was seriously wounded and subsequently, evacuated. His courage and initiative and self-sacrificing devotion to duty throughout were in keeping with the highest traditions of the United States Naval Service. He gallantly gave his life for his country.
Silver Star Medal (SSM)


  • - Allen, R.E., The First Battalion of the 28th Marines on Iwo Jima – A Day-by-Day History, McFarland & Company, Jefferson, North Carolina, USA, 1999
