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Forbes, John Brooke "Jack"

Date of birth:
July 4th, 1920 (Winona-Hamilton/Ontario, Canada)
Date of death:
May 7th, 2013 (Guelph-Wellington/Ontario, Canada)


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Second World War (1939-1945)
15th Field Regiment, 4th Canadian Armoured Division, Canadian Army
On 26 October 1944 during operations by 4th Canadian Armoured Division to capture Bergen op Zoom Captain Forbes acted as Forward Observation Officer wit “B” Company Algonquin Regiment. This company had captured a crossroads of considerable importance southeast of the town at MR 6222 and was ordered to hold this position though cut off from the rest of the battalion. Early in the morning the enemy commenced to counter-attack this position. The company commander was wounded and evacuated, leaving Captain Forbes the senior officer present, with one subaltern of “B” Company and the subaltern of the [ … ] supporting the company. Captain Forbes immediately took command of the force. With no regard for his own safety Captain Forbes, during repeated counter attacks, which were supported by heavily fire, throughout the day left his tank and moved about the position, liaising with the two officers, organized the defences, and encouraging the men by his visits and personal direction. By personal liaison and use of artillery communications, he passed vital information and implemented the battalion commanders plan. This was in addition to his normal duties as Forward Observation Officer. He continued to direct artillery fire which was responsible for breaking up the successive enemy counter attacks. Captain Forbes held the position all day until flanking attacks by other troops rendered the ground valueless to the enemy who ceased his attack and withdrew during the night. The continued defence of the position, essential to the later capture of Bergen op Zoom was due almost entirely to Captain Forbes initiative an assuming responsibility, determination and coolness under fire, and indifference to his own danger.
Military Cross (MC)

