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Dean, Donald Frederick Edgar Charles

    Date of birth:
    June 23rd, 1917 (St. Marylebone/London, Great Britain)
    Service number:


    Donald Dean joined the Territorial Army in 1935, and was appointed Lieutenant with the 90th City of London Field Auxiliary Regiment in 1939.
    He transferred though to the Royal Air Force with the outbreak of the Second World War and after receiving his wings was posted to No. 77 Squadron in June 1941 which was equipped with Withworth Witley's.
    He remained for his first tour with this unit with whom he flew against heavily defended German targets as Aachen, Berlin, Cologne, Dusseldorf, Frankfurt and Hamburg.
    For his second tour he was posted to No. 35 Squadron (Halifax’s), Path Finder Force in February 1943 and flew again mainly over well defended German targets such as Nuremburg, Hamburg, Munich, Stuttgart and Essen.
    In May 1943 he was appointed Commanding Officer with No. 35 Squadron. The following month he carried out sorties over Mannheim, Turin, St. Nazaire and on September 15th, 1943 acted as strike leader in the attack on the Dunlop Factory at Montlucon, France, where every building within the factory complex was damaged.
    His last posting was as Station Commander of RAF Wyton.

    Post-war decorations:
    December 2nd, 1980: Territorial Decoration

    1935: Cadet Lance-Corporal
    July 8th, 1936: 2nd Lieutenant
    July 8th, 1939; Lieutenant
    March 7th, 1940: Pilot Officer
    March 7th, 1941: Flying Officer (war sub)
    March 7th, 1942: Flight Lieutenant (war sub)
    June 22nd, 1943: Squadron Leader (war sub)
    February 15th, 1945: Wing Commander (war sub)

    Do you have more information about this person? Inform us!

    Second World War (1939-1945)
    Acting Squadron Leader
    No. 77 Squadron, Royal Air Force
    Awarded on:
    June 26th, 1942
    "This Officer has shown vigour and determination in all the attacks he has carried out throughout a completed operational tour. His quiet and very pleasing nature has been an influence of the very greatest value throughout his duty with the Squadron [No. 77 Squadron]. When, as a 2nd Pilot, he had the misfortune to land in the North Sea, his courage and cheerful spirit under the most arduous conditions proved of great help to the fellow members of his crew. I have no hesitation in recommending that his fine operational record be recognised by the award of the Distinguished Flying Cross."
    Distinguished Flying Cross (DFC)
    Second World War (1939-1945)
    Acting Squadron Leader
    No. 35 (Madras Presidency) Squadron, Royal Air Force
    Awarded on:
    April 6th, 1943
    Distinguished Flying Cross (DFC)
    "When engaged upon an operational sortie against St. Nazaire on the 28 February 1943, Squadron Leader Dean’s port outer engine failed half way across the English Channel. With the propeller feathered he continued on his mission and approaching the target area at 9,000 feet, his aircraft was picked up and held by searchlights and subject to A.A. fire. Undeterred, Squadron Leader Dean continued to press home his attack and successfully bombed his target. A few minutes after leaving the target area the starboard inner engine failed also and the propeller was feathered.

    Descending, with the crew at ditching stations, height was eventually maintained at 3,000 feet on course for Exeter. Approaching the coast 10/10 cloud was encountered but homing searchlights were seen through the cloud tops and descent was made over a cone. Breaking cloud, an aerodrome was identified with difficulty due to low cloud and circled at 3,000 feet. No indication of the direction of the landing could be seen nor were they able to establish air to ground R.T. communication, but the approach and landing were executed successfully, although the aircraft over-ran the end of the runway on to rough ground and was damaged. The length of the runway was 1,100 yards, with an appreciable slope, and the landing had to be made down wind.

    With commendable courage and skill this Officer fulfilled the allotted task though heavily handicapped, and then under still greater difficulties returned to a coastal aerodrome and landed in very adverse weather conditions. Squadron Leader Dean’s determination and courage on this occasion is deserving of the highest praise, and in recognition he is recommended for the immediate award of the Bar to the Distinguished Flying Cross."

    Second DFC awarded as a bar for on the ribbon of first DFC.
    Second World War (1939-1945)
    Acting Squadron Leader
    Awarded on:
    June 2nd, 1943
    Mentioned in Dispatches
    Second World War (1939-1945)
    Acting Wing Commander
    No. 35 (Madras Presidency) Squadron, Royal Air Force
    Awarded on:
    January 7th, 1944
    "This Officer has commanded his Squadron [No. 35] with notable success over a long period. He has taken part in operations against some of the most heavily defended targets in Germany and has at all times displayed keenness and courage of a high order. His enthusiasm and ability are reflected in the excellent work done by the whole Squadron and the high standard that it has reached is largely due to his fine example. He is strongly recommended for the award of the Distinguished Service Order."
    Distinguished Service Order (DSO)
    Second World War (1939-1945)
    Squadron Leader
    Date of recommenation: july 7th, 1943.
    "This Officer on his second tour of operational duty, at present commands a heavy bomber squadron which is carrying out the highly important duties of Target Marking. His personal example, cheerfulness and courage have been an inspiration to the Squadron he commands, and his efforts have contributed in a large degree to the successful bomber offensive now being carried out. His personal skill and determination in attack are of the highest order. He is strongly recommended for the award of the Silver Star."

    No mention of the award has been traced in the London Gazette, so presumably Dean never applied for, or was granted, official permission to wear the award. Another possibility could be that no mention of this award has been made because it concerns a non-British award.
    Silver Star Medal (SSM)
    Second World War (1939-1945)
    Acting Wing Commander
    Awarded on:
    December 18th, 1943
    Path Finder Force Badge


    • - Third Supplement to The London Gazette Issue 35609 published on the 23 June 1942
      - Second Supplement to The London Gazette Issue 35966 published on the 2 April 1943
      - Supplement to The London Gazette Issue 36033 published on the 28 May 1943
      - Fourth Supplement to The London Gazette Issue 36319 published on the 4 January 1944
      - Supplement to The London Gazette Issue 48386 published on the 1 December 1980
      - Dix Noonan Webb
      - Spink
