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Peacock, Clarence "Lofty"

Date of birth:
November 18th, 1910
Date of death:
April 8th, 1958
Service number:


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1st Battalion Green Howards
Awarded on:
February 14th, 1939
Citation: "For gallant conduct while in command of a platoon during action near Khirbat Umm ad Duraj on 28th November, 1938."
Recommendation: "His unit was attacked on the road between Nablus and Tulkarm. His section was ambushed at close range with rifle fire, but Peacock largely suppressed the attack with well-placed fire from his Bren gun, despite a wound to his head."

Details: Presented by the Princess Royal during a parade at Catterick to mark the Green Howards' 250th anniversary.
Military Medal (MM)
Second World War (1939-1945)
1st Battalion Green Howards, 15th Infantry Brigade, Sickle Force, British Army
Awarded on:
December 20th, 1940
Mentioned in Dispatches
"In recognition of distinguished services in connection with operations in Norway."
Second World War (1939-1945)
1st Battalion Green Howards, 15th Infantry Brigade, Sickle Force, British Army
Awarded on:
August 11th, 1942
"For conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty on 28th April, 1940, at OTTA.

This NCO's Platoon was subjected to heavy aerial bombing, shelling and trench-Mortar-bombing, all day and for a very considerable time had to remain inactive owing to no target presenting itself within effective range. This N.C.O. kept steadying the men by moving from section to section with complete disregard for his personal danger, and by his example of coolness and courage imbuing them with the same qualities until such time as opportunity offered for them to hit back.

Later in the evening, when his Company had to wade across a frozen river, Serjeant Peacock carried another N.C.O. - L/Sjt. Barnes - was was severely wounded across the river under fire.

During the whole action he showed an outstanding example to all ranks."

With sword
Second World War (1939-1945)
Warrent Officer 2nd Class
"C" Company, 1st Battalion Green Howards, 15th Infantry Brigade, 5th Infantry Division, British Army
Awarded on:
August 2nd, 1945
Distinguished Conduct Medal (DCM)
"On the evening of 1 May 45, 1 Green Howards attacked the rly junc at BUCHEN. B company, of which CSM Peacock was a member, was the left forward company of the Battalion.
Before actually gaining the objective, the Company Commander and two officers were wounded. CSM Peacock immediately assumed command and, in spite of falling light, (2100 hrs), he personally controlled the right forward platoon. By his initiative and leadership the platoon was successfully established on the objective. He then went back to his Company HQ where the wounded officers were lying and arranged for their evacuation, personally carrying one of them on his back seventy yards to place of safety.
Throughout the action, snipers and well-concealed Machine guns were bringing accurate fire to bear on all gaps between buildings and approaches.
The successful establishment of the Company on the objective was vital in the effective deployment of the reserve Company. CSM Peacock's quick appreciation of the tactical situation, his immediate assumption of control of the Company and his personal initiative and complete disregard for his own personal safety, were an inspiration to his men and largely instrumental in ensuring the success of the whole Battalion attack."
Malayan Emergency (1948-1960)
Warrant Officer 1st Class
1st Battalion Green Howards
Awarded on:
October 24th, 1950
Mentioned in Dispatches
"In recognition of.gallant and distinguished services in Malaya during the period 1st January to 30th June, 1950."

Mentioned in Dispatches

With service clasps for Palestine, Malaya and Cyprus.
General Service Medal 1918-1962

