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Mompezat, Roger Georges

Date of birth:
April 3rd, 1899 (Bordeaux, France)
Date of death:
March 21st, 1958 (Toulouse, France)
Service number:


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Second World War (1939-1945)
Temporary Captain
F Section, Special Operations Executive (SOE), British Government
Awarded on:
November 15th, 1945
"Having worked for some time in the resistance movement in south-western France, this officer joined a British led circuit in the Toulouse-Carcassonne area towards the end of 1943. He played a large part in organising a Corps Franc in the Montagne Noire area. This proved to be one of the most capable and fearless guerilla groups in southern France, and had an excellent record in fighting against the enemy both before and after D-Day.
Mompezat personally led a number of engagements against the Germans and conducted himself with outstanding gallantry. On 23rd April 1944, the Corps Franc de la Montagne Noire was attacked by a strong German detachment which was beaten off with heavy losses. After D-Day several small towns were captured. The Paris-Toulouse railway was permanently cut, and widespread harassing activities were organised against German garrisons and convoys in the area.
Notable actions in which Mompezat played a distnguished part were at Les Rousses on 16th June when a German column 1,000 strong was attacked and 47 of the enemy killed: on 30th June near Saissac, when 9 Germans were killed and several vehicles captured: and at St. Pons on 20th August when 50 German were killed and 20 captured. On another occasion, on 20th July the Corps Franc Maquis was attacked by an enemy force 1,500 strong using aircraft, artillery and armour. In this engagement two enemy aircraft were shot down, and 50 Germans were killed.
For his outstanding bravery in action and for his unfailing devotion to duty, it is recommended that this officer be awarded the Military Cross."
Signed: Colin Gubbins, Major-General. 3rd August, 1945
Military Cross (MC)
Second World War (1939-1945)
Awarded on:
January 20th, 1946
l' Ordre de la Libération
Second World War (1939-1945)
3 citations
Croix de Guerre (1939-1945)
Second World War (1939-1945)
Awarded on:
January 20th, 1946
with rosette
Médaille de la Résistance Française

