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Rankin, Glen Avon



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Second World War (1939-1945)
17th Canadian Field Regiment RCA, 5th Canadian (Armoured) Division, Canadian Army
Awarded on:
October 11th, 1945
"For the past six months Lieutenant-Colonel Rankin has commanded 17 Canadian Field Regiment with distinction. During March and April operations in Holland he was outstanding in devotion to duty. He acted as representative to Commander, Royal Canadian Artillery at infantry brigade headquarters throughout and deployed the guns with unusually sound foresight. These fluid actions demanded frequent and rapid movement of batteries over wide areas and it was due entirely to the unceasing efforts of this officer that the regiment was able to provide continuous effective fire support for the infantry. The successful accomplishment of the various complicated moves during this period is exemplary of the highest state of efficiency of the regiment. Lieutenant-Colonel Rankin has maintained his regiment at a high standard of discipline and training which was displayed when his men repelled a savage and concentrated attack by eight enemy infantry on the regimental gun position near Otterloo on the night of 17 April 1945. During the five day battle for Delfzijl, commencing 21 April 1945, this officer was responsible for fire control of two field regiments, two heavy anti-aircraft batteries, one heavy artillery battery and one armoured regiment, each calibre of gun being required to bring fire to bear from time to time over a frontage of 20,000 yards. By maintaining close personal liaison with forward observation posts and forward troops Lieutenant-Colonel Rankin secured up to date information of the tactical situation. As a result of these visits, often under heavy fire, he was able to organize and put into operation a flexible fire plan which ensured immediate and effective artillery support throughout the action, culminating, in the final phase, in a concentrated effort of his entire resources on the final objective. Throughout his period of command, Lieutenant-Colonel Rankin has displayed initiative and aggressiveness and his regiment, as a result of its training and fighting spirit, has brought honour to the Corps of Artillery and 5 Canadian Armoured Division."
Distinguished Service Order (DSO)

