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Beaulieu-Marconnay, Freiherr von, Olivier "Bauli"

Date of birth:
September 14th, 1898 (Berlin-Charlottenburg, German Empire)
Date of death:
October 26th, 1918 (Arlon, Belgium)
Buried on:
Plot: II. Row: 13. Grave: 16.


Leutnant Olivier Hans Adolf Leo Freiherr von Beaulieu-Marconnay, ace fighter pilot credited with 25 victories and World War I's youngest recipient of the Pour le Merite awarded some hours before he died of wounds.

00.00.1916: Freiwilliger, Fahnenjunker, Dragoner Regiment "von Bredow" (1. Schles.) Nr. 4
00.07.1916: Battle of Rokitno Swamps, Pripjet, Polesia - campaign against Russia
00.07.1916: promoted to Leutnant
00.11.1917: qualified as a figther pilot
01.12.1917: Jagdstaffel 18
20.03.1918: Jagdstaffel 15
28.05.1918: scored his first victory, a French Dorand AR.2 region Soissons
06.06.1918: 2nd and 3rd victories, an Airco DH.4 of 27th RAF Squadron region Assainvillers and a Royal Aircraft Factory SE.5a of the 32th RAF Squadron Southwest of Montdidier
07.06.1918: 4th victory, a Sopwith Camel of the 80th RAF Squadron South of Noyon
11.06.1918: 5th victory and declared an ace when downing a Sopwith Camel of the 73th RAF Squadron region Méry
12.06.1918: 6th victory, a Sopwith Camel of the 43rd RAF Squadron region Northeast of Rémy/Méry
16.06.1918: 7th victory, an Airco DH.4 region Roye
18.06.1918: 8th victory, a Royal Aircraft Factory SE.5a region Villers-Bretonneux
09.08.1918: 9th and 10th victories, declared double ace when downing a SPAD two-seater Northwest of Tricot and a Sopwith Camel of the 201st RAF Squadron North of Beaucourt
10.08.1918: unconfirmed victory, a Royal Aircraft Factory SE.5a of the 56th RAF Squadron region Chaulnes
11.08.1918: 11th victory, a Royal Aircraft Factory SE.5a of the 56th RAF Squadron region Gruny
16.08.1918: 12th victory, a SPAD Southeast of Tracy-le-Val
21.08.1981: 13th victory, a Bréguet 14 region Chauny
04.09.1918: Leutnant, Kdt, Jagdstaffel 19 with 13 victories
07.09.1918: 14th victory, a Salmson 2A2 Northeast of Montsec
13.09.1918: 15th and 16th victories, a Bréguet region Charay and a SPAD region Jaulny
14.09.1918: 17th victory, a Bréguet 14 region Jonville
15.09.1918: unconfirmed victory, a SPAD S.XIII region Petry
16.09.1918: an unconfirmed and his 18th and 19th victories, a Breguet 14 and two Breguet 14 Southwest of Briey and region Fleville
23.09.1918: 20th victory, a Bréguet 14 of the US 96th Aero Squadron region Pont-a-Mousson
28.09.1918: 21st victory, a SPAD S.XIII region Dannevaux
02.10.1918: 22nd victory, a Bréguet 14 of the US 96th Aero Squadron region Brabant
03.10.1918: 23rd victory, a SPAD S.XIII region Liny
04.10.1918: WIA but stayed in his unit
09.10.1918: 24th victory, a SPAD S.XIII region Crepion
10.10.1918: 25th victory, a SPAD S.XIII region Landres
18.10.1916: severely WIA to the thigh during a dogfight and evacuated to a Lazarett
26.10.1916: DOW in the Lazarett in Arlon, Belgium

Do you have more information about this person? Inform us!

First World War (1914-1918)
Awarded on:
August 1916
Eisernes Kreuz 2.Klasse (1914)
First World War (1914-1918)
Awarded on:
Eisernes Kreuz 1.Klasse (1914)
First World War (1914-1918)
Awarded on:
November 1917
Königlich Preußische Militär-Flugzeugführer-Abzeichen
First World War (1914-1918)

With swords
Ritter des Königlicher Preussischer Hausordens von Hohenzollern mit Schwertern
First World War (1914-1918)
Leutnant (Pilot Officer)
Awarded on:
October 25th, 1918
Pour le Mérite

