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Weathers, Omery C.

Date of death:
June 9th, 1944 (near Trévières/department of Calvados (Normandy), France)
Buried on:
Normandy American Cemetery and Memorial


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Second World War (1939-1945)
Company K, 38th Infantry Regiment, 2nd Infantry Division "Indianhead", U.S. Army
Awarded on:
November 21st, 1944
The President of the United States takes pride in presenting the Distinguished Service Cross (Posthumously) to Omery Carl Weathers (0-410223), Captain (Infantry), U.S. Army, for extraordinary heroism in connection with military operations against an armed enemy while serving with 38th Infantry Regiment, 2d Infantry Division, in action against enemy forces on 9 June 1944, in France. As Captain Weathers' company crossed its line of departure, artillery was placed on enemy front lines in support of the advance. His troops had moved but a short distance when an intense enemy artillery concentration pinned them to the ground. Realizing that excessive losses from enemy small arms and automatic weapons fire would be incurred unless the men moved under the protection of our artillery, Captain Weathers courageously ran across the entire company front alone toward the enemy line. Inspired by their commander's gallantry, the men followed his example and began a vigorous assault. Advancing but a short distance, Captain Weathers was killed by an artillery shell which landed near him. By his coolness and bravery under fire, his personal sacrifice and his unswerving devotion to duty, Captain Weathers acted in keeping with the highest traditions of the military forces of the United States, reflecting great credit upon himself, the 2d Infantry Division, and the United States Army.

Posthumously awarded

HQ First U.S. Army, GO 84, November 21st, 1944.
Distinguished Service Cross (DSC)


  • - Autor: U.S. Army, The combat history of the Second Infantry Division in World War II, The Battery Press, Nashville, USA, 2001
