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Huntsinger, Ray H.



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Second World War (1939-1945)
Staff Sergeant
71st Bombardment Squadron, 460th Bombardment Group, U.S. Army Air Forces
"Staff Sergeant Ray H. Huntsinger distinguished himself by heroism while participating in aerial flight as a Flight Engineer,15th Air Force, 55th Wing, 460 Bombardment Group, 71st Squadron on 15 July 1944. On that date, Sergeant Huntsinger, while over the target, the aircraft was hit several times by enemy antiaircraft fire. When Sergeant Huntsinger assessed the damage he found ruptures of the hydraulic lines, which precluded use of the flaps and brakes. Sergeant Huntsinger asked the pilot to allow him to repair prior to this action being taken. He was able to accomplish this by over-wrapping the damaged areas and securing these with friction tape that had been used to secure the Radio Operator's seat belt. These preparations were to rig parachutes at the side hatches to throw out and act as brakes to slow the aircraft upon landing. At that time the aircraft had slowed sufficiently that it stopped with minimal damage after running off the end of the runway. The Outstanding heroism and selfless devotion to duty displayed by Sergeant Huntsinger reflect great credit upon himself and the United States Army Air Force."
Distinguished Flying Cross (DFC)

