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Hirano, Toru



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Second World War (1939-1945)
2nd Lieutenant (Second-lieutenant)
Battery C, 522nd Field Artillery Battalion, 442nd Regimental Combat Team, 36th Infantry Division "Arrowhead", U.S. Army
Awarded on:
February 16th, 1945
Toru Hirano, 0-1692546, Second Lieutenant, FA, Battery “C”, *** Field Artillery Battalion, for heroic achievement on 29 October 1944, in the vicinity of La Houssiere, France. While moving into position for a dawn attack, the company to which Lieutenant Hirano was attached as forward observer was subjected to an enemy barrage which damaged the radio and inflicted several casualties. Lieutenant Hirano rendered first aid to a soldier wounded beside him and while still under fire, carried him for 500 yards to the rear for further treatment. He then returned with a radio from another company, and although it was dark by that time, he skillfully directed counter-battery fire upon the enemy guns and positions by sound alone and completely silenced them. Entered the service from Los Angeles, California.

Headquarters, 6th Army Group, U.S. Army, General Orders No. 9 (16 February 1945).
Bronze Star  Medal (BSM)

