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Young, Burdette R.



Sevicenumber 32669768.

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Second World War (1939-1945)
Staff Sergeant
875th Bombardment Squadron, 498th Bombardment Group, U.S. Army Air Forces
Awarded on:
June 21st, 1945
"For extraordinary achievement while participating in aerial flight on 7
April 1945 on a bombing mission against a high priority target, the
Nakajima Mushahima Aircraft Factory near Tokyo, Japan. These individuals were crew members of a B-29 aircraft which, upon approaching the Japanese coastline, began to lose power in the number one engine, and as a result was an easy prey to hostile fighters. Although forced to fly through and exceedingly heavy anti-aircraft barrage, which inflicted damage to the aircraft, they fought their way to the target and successfully bombed it.
The Courage and professional skill of these individuals contributed
materially to the successful accomplishment of this mission and reflect
the highest credit on themselves and the Army Air Forces."

Distinguished Flying Cross (DFC)


  • - Headquarters XXI Bomber Command in San Frnacisco under General Orders 121. Issued June 21 1945 / Section IX
