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Lohse, Leslie A.



Army Service Number: 0409019.

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Second World War (1939-1945)
Headquarters 31st Tank Battalion, 7th Armored Division "Lucky Seventh", U.S. Army (Headquarters 31st Tank Battalion, 7th Armored Division "Lucky Seventh", U.S. Army)
Major Leslie A. Lohse (Army Serial Number 0409019), Cavalry, 31st Tank Battalion, United States Army, for distinguishing himself by gallantry in action on 15 August 1944, in the area of Chartres, France. As acting battalion commander he was ordered to attack the city of Chartres. Because of its strategic importance, the enemy had anti-tank weapons of all types emplaced throughout the city proper and its outskirts. Although realizing that storming this virtual fortress would be a hazardous and costly operation, Major Lohse rode in the vanguard of the attacking force. His tank was set ablaze and put out of action by an 88mm shell and anti-tank rockets. Under a hail of machine gun and rifle fire he aided in putting out the fire and took cover only after other members of the crew had done so. He concealed him-self in an enemy headquarters for a time, and then made his way through enemy lines to rejoin his unit three days later. Major Lohse's fearless leadership and courageous example were an inspiration to the men who fought under his command.

Headquarters, 7th Armored Division, General Orders No. 48 (14 September 1944).
Silver Star Medal (SSM)
Second World War (1939-1945)
Headquarters 31st Tank Battalion, 7th Armored Division "Lucky Seventh", U.S. Army (Headquarters 31st Tank Battalion, 7th Armored Division "Lucky Seventh", U.S. Army)
Major Leslie A. Lohse (Army Serial Number 0409019), Cavalry, United States Army, for distinguishing himself by gallantry in action from 21 December 1944 to 23 December 1944, in the area of St. Vith, Belgium. When overwhelming enemy pressure forced a night withdrawal of his command, Major Lohse repeatedly risked death to lead the movement and deploy his men on the new defense line. The next day, our units were again forced back and by his skillful leadership, Major Lohse successfully completed the move with minimum casualties. That night, he braved heavy enemy fire to advance forward, supervising operations and encouraging the men to hold their ground. Arriving at one outpost during a German attack, he entered into the fire fight and drove off the hostile troops. All during the vital delaying operations, Major Lohse displayed great courage and military ability in keeping with the highest traditions of the Armed Forces.

Headquarters, 7th Armored Division, General Orders No. 12 (11 January 1944).
This award was obtained in the form of an Oak Leaf to be attached on the ribbon of the first award.
Silver Star Medal (SSM)
Second World War (1939-1945)
Headquarters 31st Tank Battalion, 7th Armored Division "Lucky Seventh", U.S. Army (Headquarters 31st Tank Battalion, 7th Armored Division "Lucky Seventh", U.S. Army)
Periodic award.

Headquarters, 7th Armored Division, General Orders No. 118 (20 July 1945).
Bronze Star  Medal (BSM)

