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Slattery, William H. "Bill"

Date of birth:
March 5th, 1919
Date of death:
December 25th, 1943


2nd Lt. Bill Slattery was KIA on Christmas Day 1943 while returning from his last (60th) mission in support of the European liberation of Italy. He had participated in the liberation of North Africa (Tunisia), Sicily, and Italy. As a P-40 pilot attached to the 318th fighter squadron, he had completed one tour of duty (30 missions) and as a young single-man volunteered for a second tour of duty (an additional 30 missions). In his last correspondence to his mother written Christmas eve, he stated that he was flying his last mission and then returning home. Subsequently, he was KIA in the next day while returning from the mission in what appears to have been an accident, 6 miles west of San Marcos, Italy.

During his tour of duty he was credited with 3 aerial victories (ME-109, JU-52 and MA-202).

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Second World War (1939-1945)
2nd Lieutenant
318th Fighter Squadron, 325th Fighter Group, U.S. Army Air Forces
"For extraordinary achievement while participating in aerial flight as a pilot of a P-40 type aircraft. While on a fighter sweep over the ***,****, 24 June 1943, the formation in which Lieutenant Slattery was flying was attached by fifteen ME-109's. Turning into the first flight of six enemy planes, Lieutenant Slattery succeeded in dispersing five of them. In this action the sixth enemy aircraft secured an advantageous position, but displaying outstanding skill, Lieutenant Slattery outmaneuver the ME-109 and sent it crashing int the sea. Observing a crippled P-40 trying to elude two ME-109's, this officer went to the aid of his comrade and drove off the two enemy fighters. Lieutenant Slattery has participated in forty-eight combat missions during which time has had destroyed three enemy planes. HIs unfailing devotion to duty and personal resourcefulness have upheld the highest traditions of the Army Air Forces."

Awarded posthumously.
Distinguished Flying Cross (DFC)
"For meritorious achievement while participating in twenty sorties against the enemy, for the destruction of three enemy aircraft, types Ju-52, 22 July 1943, ME-109, 23 June 1943, and Ma-202, 28 July 1943, and while participating in sustained operational activities against the enemy from 5 July 1943 to 12 July 1943, 15 July 1943 to 23 July 1943, 26 July 1943 to 11 August 1943 and from 20 August 1943 to 11 September 1943."

Awarded posthumously.
Air Medal awarded together with two silver oak leaf clusters (representing the second to the eleventh Air Medal) to be worn on the ribbon of the first Air Medal.


  • - National Archive Records
    - Local news paper articles
