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Burgess, Catherine Theresa

Date of birth:
November 21st, 1904
Date of death:
February 17th, 1985


Catherine signd up for the war effort, even though she had a very young child, Marion and an invalid husband Alfred Charles.Everyday she would travel on the 4am blackout train on the secret underground railway, from Preston station to ROF Chorley.She worked in incredibly dangerous conditions, and always put the safety of her workforce first.Her leadership skills and immense bravery were noticed by the foreman, Mr Hemmings and she was very soon promoted to an overseer and subsequently became his assistant forewoman.One day she was involved in a serious accident when a shell blew up.She sustained severe shrapnel injuries, losing the sight in her left eye, and losing part of her middle finger on her left hand.

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Second World War (1939-1945)
Assistant Forewoman
Royal Ordnance Factory, Chorley
Awarded on:
January 9th, 1946
British Empire Medal (BEM & EGM)

