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Hughes, Richard Glanville

Service number:


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Second World War (1939-1945)
No. 3 Commando, 1st Special Service Brigade, Combined Operations Headquarters, War Office, British Government
Awarded on:
September 25th, 1947
Awarded for:
Operation Husky
At Agnone in Sicily on 13th July 1943, Cpl Hughes showed great courage and determination in the face of vastly superior enemy opposition. During the Commando withdrawal from the bridgehead, his section was chosen to carruy out a rear-guard action to enable the Commando to extracate itself.Casualtiesd had already depleted the section and Cpl Hughes therefore took over the LMG firing it
repeatedly with such good effect that the enemy were unable to close.At last the enemy succeeded in working around the section's flanks
and the Sgt commanding the section gave the order to charge the nearest positionin an attempt to disotganise the enemy. Cpl Hughes advanced with the section until it was pinned down by fire from the three machine gun positions.These he engaged one by one. with his bren gun and fired so cooly and accurately that he neutarlised all three enemy gun positions in turn, killing or wounding all of the enemy teams who stayed by their guns. Cpl Hughes continued to fire his gun until all ammunition had been expended, when he was taken prisoner with the remaining survivors of his section.nemy gun positions This NCO's skill and courage in the face of overwheling odds was an inspiration top all who saw him and his accurate fire held up the enemy and inflicted heavy casualties.
Military Cross (MC)

