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Reinberger, Helmut



Major Helmut Reinberger wa the passenger of the Messerschmitt Bf 108 (D-NFAW) which crashed on January 10th, 1940 on Belgian soil and who carried documents about the operation Fall Gelb.
Stayed POW until 1944 in Belgium, England and Canada. Was beceause of his health repatriated to Germany in 1944 and there brought before a military court for high treason. As punishment for carrying the secret documents on a plain, he was sacked from the Luftwaffe and placed in an administrative function within the Volkssturm.

August 1st, 1937: Major;

July 1st, 1938: Kommandeur, Fallschirmschule 1;
September 1938: Ia, 7. Flieger-Division;
April 1st, 1939: Kommandeur, Fallschrimschule 2;
September 1st, 1939: Kommandeur, Fallschirmschule Stendal/Fliegerhorstkommandantur Wittstock;
January 1940: Nachrichtenoffizier, Fliegerfúhrer 220/Luftflotte 2
January 10th, 1944: POW in Belgium, England and Canada;
1944: Repatriated to Germany;
1944: Resignation;
1944: Volkssturm.

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