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Howe, William Artur

Date of birth:
February 2nd, 1912 (Ilford/Essex, United Kingdom)
Date of death:
Service number:
ABRO 511


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Second World War (1939-1945)
Temporary Major
Force 136, Special Operations Executive (SOE), British Government
Awarded on:
December 20th, 1945
"Major HOWE saw service with the Karen Levies in the Burma Campaign of 1942, during which he acquitted himself with great credit under most trying conditions.
From July 1943 to April 1944 he was stationed in FORT HERTZ at a period when this area was under constant threat from the enemy. He continued to carry out his tasks with efficiency and distinction.
In Aprl 1944 he was landed by light aircraft in the HOTOK area - then well behind the enemy lines - to join Morris Force as a L.O. He maintained his W/T link with headquarters without a break, again under the most difficult conditions and at one time his set was passing the bulk of the W/T traffic from Morris Force.
At the conclusion of this operation when Morris Force had withdrawn it was his influence - and his alone - which held together our Kachin officer ad men who were then in a state of great despondency.
In Dec 44 he landed by parachute behind the enemy lines and organised a small intelligence group already there into a guerilia force which ultimately numbered some 400. Between Dec 44 and Feb 45 this force guarded the left flank of N.C.A.C forces advancing down the road from NAMKHAN to KUTKAI and inflicted over 80 casualties on the enemy.
Over the long period mentioned above this officer has always displayed the greatest devotion to duty and has fearlessly carries out any task entrusted to him, either in front or behind the enemy lines, efficiently and successfully.

I strongly recommend that he be appointed to the Order of the British Empire (Military Division)

Lt.Col. J.R. Gardiner, G.M.
Force 136

Downgraded to a MC
Military Cross (MC)

