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Ziereis, Franz Xavier

Date of birth:
August 13th, 1904 (München/Bayern, German Empire)
Date of death:
May 24th, 1945 (KZ Mauthausen-Gusen, Austria)
Service number:


SS-Standartenführer Franz Zieries was the commander of KZ Mauthausen. There are multiple theories surrounding the circumstances of his death. The official version is that he was wounded during an escape attempt from U.S. forces. He was reportedly treated in the US Army 131st Evac Hospital and shortly died after interrogation by a former inmate of Mauthausen, Hans Marsalek. Another version is that he never woke up after his wounds, and never gave any statement to his captors. The third version is that he, unharmed at that time, was executed after interrogation by two former inmates.

His corpse was later hung on the fence of either Gusen I or the main camp by former prisoners of Gusen.

Military career:

1 October 1936: SS-Obersturmführer
12 September 1937: SS-Hauptsturmführer
25 August 1939: SS-Sturmbannführer
1 September 1941: SS-Obersturmbannführer
20 April 1944: SS-Standartenführer

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Second World War (1939-1945)
Awarded on:

Not listed in official records related to this award.
Deutsches Kreuz in Silber
