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Adams, Donald Albert

Date of birth:
1921 (Donavon/Saskatchewan, Canada)


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Second World War (1939-1945)
Flying Officer
No. 425 (Alouette) Squadron, Royal Canadian Air Force
Awarded on:
December 1st, 1944
"A navigator of outstanding ability, Flying Officer Adams has recently completed a tour of operations, among which included bombings on important targets such as Stuttgart, Hamburg and Kiel. Throughout his operational tour, he displayed great skill as a navigator. On all his thirty-four sorties he reached the target on time.
On 25th July 1944, this officer and his crew were detailed to bomb Stuttgart. On the run-in to the target, the flak was intense and it was necessary to do two orbits. Flying Officer Adams, displaying magnificent courage and under adverse conditions, was able to bring the aircraft back on course. Despite the heavy flak, the target was bombed with success.
Of a retiring nature, Flying Officer Adams has shown outstanding skill as a navigator. At all times he has kept before him the necessity of a successful attack. He has exhibited a dogged determination in his efforts to bring all his sorties to a successful conclusion.
His remarkable skill, his gallantry in the air and his unselfish devotion to duty under the most trying conditions are deserving of the highest praise. Keenness coupled with intelligent understanding of a job make for effective bombing."
Distinguished Flying Cross (DFC)

