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Deutsches Kreuz in Gold

The German Cross (Deutschen Kreuz) is build up out of 5 separate parts and although the name suggests otherwise, it has the shape of a large 8-pointed breast star with in the center a large black swastika which is outlined in silver. The name of this award comes from this 21,5 mm big swastika. This swastika is placed upon a red-bordered silver disk and upon this red border is a golden laurel leaf wreath mounted. The golden wreath measures 39 mm across and is made out of single laurel leaves that are bounded together with a silk lint. At the bottom of the wreath is a square box with the year 1941 impressed into it. This date refers to the year of institution and from underneath this wreath emerge the eight star points. These points are chemically blackened and have the appearance of sunrays. Underneath these points is a 63 mm large silver backing plate placed which has the same shape as the award, only it’s slightly bigger so it forms the outer line of the award. At the reverse are 4 or 6 rivets visible and through the number of rivets you can recognize if the award was made in Germany or Austria. The German Crosses with 4 rivets were made in Germany and the pieces with 6 rivets in Austria. Further is there at the reverse a large width pin with a standard hook construction placed. If the award is marked with the LDO-number of the producer, then it is stamped in either the front or backside of the pin. To prevent damaging the award during combat, there was also a cloth version made. This cloth version has a metal wreath and the backing cloth colour is the same as the tunic colour of the corresponding Army branch. Fieldgrey is for the Army (Heer) and Waffen-SS, bleu-grey for the Air Force, (Luftwaffe) Marine bleu for the Navy (Kriegsmarine) and black for the Armored forces.

The German Cross in Gold (Deutsches Kreuz in Gold) was awarded for bravery and outstanding achievements in combat but where the Knight’s Cross wasn’t awarded for. The recipient did however already had to own the Iron Cross 1st Class (Eisernes Kreuz 1 Klasse) or Kriegsverdienstkreuz 1.Klasse with swords. The exact number of times that the German Cross in Gold was bestowed is still unknow at this time.

The OKW barred/stopped by decree the awarding of the Gernan Cross in Gold for "multiple remarkable services in troop leadership" from March 10th, 1945 on.

Bidermann, Gottlob-Herbert* August 28th, 1920
† September 1st, 2010

Grid List
Helmich, Hans-Ewald* February 13th, 1920

Helmling, Hans* November 10th, 1906
† December 4th, 1943

Hemke, August* April 9th, 1923
† February 14th, 1945

Hemmer, Hans-Karl* May 23rd, 1919
† December 8th, 1984

Hemmer, Hermann* July 29th, 1917
† February 21st, 2000

Hemmerich, Erwin* July 16th, 1915
† March 19th, 1945

Henger, Wolfgang (Artillerie-Regiment 21)* August 22nd, 1892
† February 2nd, 1985

Hengl, Ritter von, Georg (Gen. d. Gebirgstruppe)* October 21st, 1897
† March 19th, 1952

Hengst, Max* March 28th, 1913
† September 23rd, 1993

Hengstler, Richard* April 13th, 1909
† January 25th, 1979

Henke, August* August 29th, 1921
† October 1st, 1942

Henke, Max (U 196)* October 18th, 1914
† November 30th, 1944

Henkel, Wolfgang (100. Jäger-Div.)* June 25th, 1907
† October 17th, 1967

Henkelmann, Ernst* September 17th, 1915
† April 10th, 2010

Henn, Ewald (Pz.Rgt. 11)* March 8th, 1911
† March 21st, 1943

Henne, Rudolf (Kampfgeschwader 51)* December 8th, 1913
† April 13th, 1962

Henne, Walter* 1916
† 1974

Hennecke, Heinrich (U 530)* January 11th, 1915

Hennig, Gerhard (Grenadier-Regiment 2)* June 12th, 1923
† April 11th, 1945
Plot: E Row: 10 Grave: 1849

Hennig, Heinrich (Füsilier-Regiment 22)* March 14th, 1917
† April 17th, 1945
Grave: UNK

Henniger, Karl* September 30th, 1909

Hennigs, von, Richard Wilhelm Albert* April 20th, 1905
† September 26th, 1942
Grave: UNK

Henning, Fritz (U 565)* April 10th, 1917
† December 5th, 2005

Henning, Horst* April 10th, 1917
† October 7th, 1944

Henning, Kurt* October 3rd, 1915

Henning, von, Wilhelm* March 23rd, 1887
† December 3rd, 1969

Hennings, Eberhard* January 31st, 1912
† April 28th, 1942

Henrich, Nikolaus (schw. Pz.jäg.Abt.519)* May 1st, 1912
† April 2nd, 1945
Row: 8 Grave: 20

Henrich, Walter* July 25th, 1898
† July 30th, 1943

Henrici, Friedrich-Karl (Panzergrenadier-Reg.13)* July 9th, 1917
† October 11th, 1943
Grave: UNK

Henrici, Rudolf (Generalmajor)* June 27th, 1892
† August 1st, 1971

Henrici, Sigfrid (General der Panzertruppe)* May 10th, 1889
† November 8th, 1964

Hensel, Gerhard (Kampfgruppe z.b.V. 9)* June 26th, 1918
† April 3rd, 1942
Grave: UNK

Hensel, Herbert* January 11th, 1914
† February 17th, 2001

Hensen, Hans* November 9th, 1913

Hensolt, Herbert* February 6th, 1909
† July 23rd, 1943

Hentschel, Erwin* October 29th, 1917
† March 20th, 1944

Hentschel, Karl* September 23rd, 1899
† December 12th, 1956

Henze, Albert (Generalleutnant)* August 7th, 1894
† March 31st, 1979

Henze, Karl* January 20th, 1916
† September 25th, 1985

Henze, Ludwig* February 13th, 1920

Hepp, Horst (U 238)* October 10th, 1917
† February 9th, 1944

Héraucourt, Friedrich* August 13th, 1896

Herb, Wilhelm (Infanterie-Regiment 380)* July 22nd, 1898
† May 27th, 1969

Herb, Wilhelm (Infanterie-Regiment 517)* March 24th, 1913
† September 11th, 1942
Plot: 19 Row: 23 Grave: 903

Herbert, Josef* January 10th, 1916
† June 29th, 1976

Herbig, Hermann (Luftwaffe)* February 25th, 1910
† January 14th, 1943

Herbricht, Bernhard* August 28th, 1913
† May 30th, 1998

Herbst, Dr., Hellmut* February 24th, 1895

Herder, Oskar* November 6th, 1910
† December 25th, 1942

Herfert, Johannes (Waffen SS)* June 18th, 1918
† April 1945
Plot: 1 Row: 4 Grave: 52

Herfurth, Gerhard (SS-Panzergrenadier-Regiment 1)* December 19th, 1921
† January 22nd, 1945

Herfurth, Heinz-Friedhelm* July 28th, 1914
† February 12th, 1972

Herget, Wilhelm* June 30th, 1910
† March 27th, 1974

Herhudt von Rohden, Hans-Detlef* September 23rd, 1899
† December 14th, 1951

Herkelmann, Rudolf* March 1st, 1913
† October 29th, 1976

Herkner, Erich (Kampfgeschwader 55 'Greif')* July 7th, 1915
† January 17th, 1945

Herlan, Friedrich Wilhelm Christian* August 29th, 1898
† July 17th, 1976

Herlein, Ludwig* January 8th, 1918
† October 20th, 2007

Herling, Wilfried* June 7th, 1920
† November 28th, 1943
Plot: 15 

Hermann, Alfred* March 31st, 1897
† August 4th, 1942

Hermann, Horst* August 30th, 1918
† September 19th, 1993

Hermes, Johann (U 532)* April 17th, 1915

Hermichen, Rolf-Günther* July 25th, 1918
† May 23rd, 2014

Herold, Wilhelm "Willi"* January 13th, 1915
† January 14th, 1986

Herpolsheimer, Horst* October 3rd, 1920

Herrle, Friedrich-Georg (U 307)* August 13th, 1910
† May 4th, 1945

Herrmann, Adolf* July 2nd, 1919

Herrmann, Benno* January 4th, 1918
† February 7th, 1999

Herrmann, Fritz* September 29th, 1895
† March 13th, 1971

Herrmann, Georg* December 21st, 1910
† April 13th, 1945

Herrmann, Hans* December 12th, 1905

Herrmann, Hans-Joachim "Hajo"* August 1st, 1913
† November 5th, 2010

Herrmann, Harry* May 27th, 1909
† March 12th, 1995

Herrmann, Josef* March 4th, 1919
† January 3rd, 1945

Herrmann, Kurt (Waffen-SS)* October 22nd, 1919

Herrmann, Kurt (WH-Pi.Bt.28)* April 4th, 1914
† July 1944

Herrmann, Walter* July 8th, 1917

Herrmann, Wilfried* December 14th, 1914
† July 14th, 1943

Herrmann, Wilhelm-Karl* October 20th, 1901
† April 10th, 1979

Hertel, Adalbert* April 23rd, 1897

Hertel, Heinz* April 1st, 1920
† 1970

Hertel, Rüdiger* August 26th, 1919
† August 27th, 1995

Hertwig, Hubertus* March 28th, 1914
† January 25th, 1944

Hertz, Gustav* April 13th, 1886
† February 25th, 1967

Herz, Antonius Felix 'Toni' (Kampfgeschwader 27)* October 14th, 1919
† October 14th, 1943
Grave: UNK

Herz, Walter* January 10th, 1920

Herza, Siegfried* April 21st, 1916
† April 3rd, 1944

Herzbach, Max* January 17th, 1914
† May 2nd, 2002

Herzberg, Paul* June 24th, 1910
† October 4th, 1943

Herzele, Franz* May 13th, 1911

Herzig, Friedrich "Fritz" (Waffen SS)* July 18th, 1915
† January 23rd, 1954

Herzog, Anton* February 20th, 1920

Herzog, Hans-Georg* September 10th, 1912
† July 20th, 1959

Herzog, Karl* July 6th, 1906
† January 25th, 1998

Hess, Franz Friedrich* July 27th, 1910
† August 11th, 1942

Hess, Fritz* February 21st, 1913
† April 23rd, 1944

Hesse, Carl-Otto* October 31st, 1911

Hesse, Hans-Erich* June 20th, 1921
† May 16th, 1943

Hesse, Heinrich (WH-Gren.Rgt. 366)* November 29th, 1913
† April 6th, 1963

Hesselbarth, Rudolf-Alfred* September 29th, 1914

Hessinger, Franz* July 13th, 1919
† January 1st, 2006

Hessler, Günter (U 107)* June 14th, 1909
† April 4th, 1968

Hethey, Ewald* December 23rd, 1920
† March 3rd, 1943

Hettinger, Franz* July 28th, 1913
† June 6th, 1946

Hetz, Karl* May 11th, 1910
† December 23rd, 1980
Plot: 0 Row: 0 Grave: 0

Hetzel, Ernst* September 19th, 1910
† June 27th, 1973

Heubeck, Konrad (Waffen SS)* April 22nd, 1918
† September 1st, 1987

Heucke, Albrecht-Carl* September 8th, 1920

Heuer, Robert (Aufklärungsgruppe 14)* November 9th, 1916
† October 25th, 1951

Heun, Wilhelm* May 23rd, 1895
† September 21st, 1986

Heute, Wilhelm* May 11th, 1914
† July 3rd, 1944

Heuß, Konrad* May 27th, 1914
† March 24th, 1945

Heyde, von der, Bolko* July 27th, 1906

Heydebrand und der Lasa, von, Ernst-Oskar* December 26th, 1921
† June 29th, 2002

Heydebreck, von, Georg-Hennig (Fallschirm-PR 'HG')* December 27th, 1903
† April 12th, 1976

Heydebreck, von, Jobst-Hinrich* August 2nd, 1909
† January 3rd, 1943

Heydel, Hugo* January 10th, 1907

Heydemann, Emil* October 29th, 1902

Heyden, von, Hans-Wilhelm* September 5th, 1909
† February 20th, 1944
Grave: UNK

Heyden-Rynsch, Freiherr von der, Gisbert* April 26th, 1911
† August 30th, 1942

Heydte, Freiherr von der, Friedrich-August* March 30th, 1907
† July 7th, 1994

Heyen, Martin* January 24th, 1914

Heyer, Hans-Joachim* April 20th, 1922
† November 9th, 1942

Heygendorff, von, Ralph* August 15th, 1897
† December 10th, 1953

Heyking, Baron von, Ernst-Georg* April 2nd, 1915
† October 25th, 2007

Heyking, von, Rüdiger* January 10th, 1894
† February 18th, 1956

Heyl zu Herrnsheim, Freiherr von, Ludwig Cornelius* May 18th, 1920
† July 27th, 2010

Heymann, Otto* January 17th, 1913
† March 13th, 1974

Heyn, Ewald* January 9th, 1914

Heyn, Rudolf (U 270)* September 28th, 1918

Heynsen, Rudolf* August 22nd, 1890
† May 26th, 1974

Heyrowsky, Herbert* August 21st, 1909
† July 4th, 1942

Heyse, Paul Friedrich Hermann* November 3rd, 1914
† March 10th, 1945
Plot: 1 Row: 4 Grave: 144

Hickel, Bernhard* August 10th, 1915
† October 2nd, 1942

Hiebsch, Oskar* July 24th, 1903

Hielscher, Otto* January 11th, 1922
† March 25th, 1980

Hilber, Emil* January 3rd, 1921

Hilbig, Alfred* October 1st, 1918
† November 10th, 1943

Hild, Ernst* April 18th, 1914

Hildebrand, Walter* February 16th, 1914
† October 21st, 1943

Hildebrandt, Gustav (KG 1 'Hindenburg')* October 6th, 1913
† May 26th, 1944
Plot: 18 Grave: 13

Hildebrandt, Hans-Georg (Generalleutnant)* June 15th, 1896
† January 31st, 1967

Hildebrandt, Horst (Grenadier-Regiment 45)* January 2nd, 1919
† May 16th, 1989

Hilgemann,, Klaus* February 21st, 1918
† July 6th, 1973

Hilgenberg, Hans-Wilhelm* November 15th, 1920
† September 18th, 1944
Plot: 1 Row: 11 Grave: 587

Hilgendorff, Kurt* August 24th, 1911
† July 3rd, 1989

Hilgers, Wilhelm* April 4th, 1915
† July 11th, 1943

Hille, Heinrich* April 24th, 1895

Hille, Wilfried* April 14th, 1916

Hillebrandt, von, Werner (Gren.-Brig.(mot) 92)* January 1st, 1898
† February 26th, 1971

Hilligen, Wolfgang (Artillerie-Regiment 162)* May 13th, 1916
† January 13th, 2003

Hilmer, Wilhelm (Waffen SS)* September 7th, 1918
† August 17th, 1944
Grave: UNK

Hilpert, Carl* September 12th, 1888
† February 1st, 1947
