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This decoration was instituted on December 20th 1939 by the Oberstbefehlshaber des Heeres, Generalfeldmarschall von Brauchitsch.

The design came from the firm C.E. Juncker in Berlin and consisted of an oval wreath of Oak leaves with the "Wehrmacht-eagle" with folded wings and the Swastika in its paws, at the top. From the upper left to right downwards there can be found a rendition of the Mauser K98k, the German standard Infantry weapon. The normal measures are 6.3 cm in height and 4.9 cm wide. The badge was produced in very many quantities and by many firms. This resulted in badges with and without markings, hollow or flat and with many different pins on the back.

The institutional rules of the decoration was adjusted on June 1st 1940, when a second version was introduced, the Sturmabzeichen in Bronze.

With the institution of the "Ordens-Gesetz" of 1957, it was German military permitted to wear de-nazified versions of German decorations. Also the Infanterie- Sturmabzeichen was produced from 1957 as a de-nazified version in Silver and Bronze, without the eagle and the Swastika.

Grid List
NameDate of birthDate of deathAwards
Lahodny, Wilhelm  
Langer, Karl  
Laubert, Friedrich  more
Lehner, Martin 19-03-1944more
Lieb, Georg  
Liegl, Emmeram 10-08-1942
Losansky, Ernst  
Lundius, Wilhelm  
Luther, Hans Walther  more
Lutter, Erich  
Lüttger, Karl  
Lenz, Hermann (Grenadier-Regiment 164)07-09-189103-08-1943more
Lasch, Otto25-06-189329-04-1971more
Lindig, Franz05-10-1893 more
Lüttwitz, Freiherr von, Smilo (General der Panzer)23-12-189519-05-1975more
Latz, Albert-Rudolph 'Rolf' (Divisions-Gruppe 323)04-06-189606-11-1943more
Lindner, Gerhard (Generalmajor)26-12-189604-06-1982more
Lippert, Michael Johann24-04-189701-09-1969more
Lawall, Dr. jur., Erich28-06-189917-09-1973more
Lottner, Kurt30-10-189915-03-1957more
Liphart, Johannes "Hans"28-12-1901 more
Laengenfelder, Hanns08-02-190318-07-1982more
Lechner, Friedrich09-02-190410-04-1945more
Lorenz, Erich31-08-190510-12-1984more
Lilienhoff-Zwowitzki, von, Helmut10-09-190530-06-1944more
Laabs, Herbert (WH-Infanterie-Regiment 478)18-11-190500-07-1944
Laupenmühlen, Oskar (Grenadier-Regiment 399)26-02-190623-09-2000more
Launer, Kurt (Waffen SS)19-09-190605-02-1990more
Löffler, Erich22-03-190817-03-1945more
Lang, Paul05-01-190902-07-1942
Lange, August28-02-1909 more
Langmaier, Matthias30-03-191031-01-1972more
Lier, Friedrich22-05-191017-08-1974more
Lehmann, Albert (Infanterie-Regiment 470)03-12-191029-04-1945more
Lautz, Friedrich16-12-191025-05-2001more
Lorscheider, Gotthard Dr.jur. (Inf.Reg.502)01-04-1911 
Liebermann, Paul11-06-1911 more
Lehermann, Franz12-11-191109-09-1943
Leigh, Hermann26-11-191129-01-1945
Loos, Wilhelm (Gren.Reg.76)27-12-191128-12-1988more
Le Tanneux von Saint Paul, Dietrich François22-03-191211-10-2000
Liebing, Walter Paul12-08-191218-10-1998more
Lorenz, Franz07-09-191220-04-1945more
Lang, Michael28-09-191220-09-1941
Leitner, Dr., Leopold17-10-1912 
Lichtenberger, Karl24-10-191215-07-1943
Lemcke, Gerhard (Grenadier-Regiment 89)23-01-191319-05-2004more
Laebe, Heinz-Oskar05-02-191315-02-1999more
Lange, Erwin19-03-191318-05-1945
Leukefeld, Karl-Otto01-05-191324-05-2008
Lohwasser, Walter31-05-191317-08-1964
Lex, Alfred (Waffen SS)10-06-191311-03-1944more
Lippert, Lucien25-08-191313-02-1944
Lembke, Heino25-09-1913 
Lenk, Alois23-11-191329-09-1941
Lang, Georg26-11-191301-02-1943
Läßle, Wilhelm00-00-1914 more
Landerer, Eugen31-01-1914 more
Linke, Franz14-02-191409-10-1981
Lörges, Werner24-02-1914 
Längler, Alfred02-04-191416-11-1943
Lücken, von, Theodor24-04-191415-11-1986more
Loch, Nikolaus06-06-191417-01-1944
Larbig, Heinz01-07-1914 more
Lederer, Joachim02-07-191428-06-1977more
Le Tanneux von Saint Paul, Harry (Inf.-Reg.151)24-11-191419-08-1942
Leitl, Alfred14-01-191516-03-1998more
Leopoldsberger, Josef (Infanterie-Regiment 207)11-03-191515-09-1942more
Ludwig, Heinrich16-03-191523-08-1942more
Laerbusch, Franz05-04-191503-10-1944
Linde, Rudolf Franz Julius08-04-191501-02-1945more
Lumpp, Karl-Willi "Peter" (Grenadier-Regiment 226)26-06-191531-03-2001more
Lehrig, Herbert02-12-191514-07-1991more
Lang, Hermann (Wh-Aufklärungs-Abteilung)23-12-191518-09-1990more
Leinfelder, Matthias00-00-191613-02-1942more
Lehrkinder, Alois11-04-191611-01-1990
Lorenz, Karl-Heinz03-07-191707-07-1943more
Lambach, Helmut (Grenadier-Regiment 88)14-01-191829-06-2000more
Ley, Theodor02-03-191814-04-1942
Löser, Hans-Joachim04-04-191813-02-2001
Langmaier, Anton27-05-191823-03-1942
Lederer, Johann20-07-191813-04-1945
Lindemann, Dieter31-08-1918 more
Lehmkämper, Wilhelm (Panzergrenadier-Regiment 156)03-09-1918 
Lustig, Erwin12-01-1919 more
Loi, Hugo (Gebirgsjäger-Regiment 141)18-02-1919 more
Lemm, Heinz-Georg "Hein Lemm"01-06-191917-11-1994more
Lievestra, Klaas10-12-191900-00-1944
Lettmann, Anton11-01-192029-06-1983more
Lorenz, Alfred17-05-192020-06-1989more
Loose, Otto20-05-192027-08-1944
Langendorf, Georg (Waffen SS)28-07-192028-01-1999more
Lechleiter, Matthias27-10-192018-03-1943
Lex, Emil09-01-192101-09-1942
Loh, Karl09-06-192119-03-1990
Leitsch, Andreas12-06-192114-12-1943
Loipfinger, Josef13-10-192107-11-1941
Liss, Erhard14-10-192109-02-2002more
Lotze, Gerhard (Waffen SS)21-05-192213-10-1944more
Lemgg, Fridolin17-06-192230-03-1944
Lummel, Hans22-10-192226-01-1971
Leitermann, Peter15-11-192202-11-1944
Loibl, Karl21-06-192315-10-1944
Leroy, Jacques10-09-192405-08-1996
Landerl, Franz (Gefreiter)03-03-192528-02-1945
Lankes, Siegfried18-07-192510-10-1944


Infantry Assault Badge in Silver
Infanterie-Sturmabzeichen in SilberInfantry Assault Badge in Silver
In the database: 1143
Infantry Assault Badge in Bronze
Infanterie-Sturmabzeichen in BronzeInfantry Assault Badge in Bronze
In the database: 205
