| Mabbett, Th. | | | |
| Mabey, Ernest Frederick | | | |
| Macadam, John Swanson | | 14-05-1943 | |
| Macarthur, John Gordon | 29-06-1916 | 08-05-1988 | more |
| MacArthur, K.A.R. | | | |
| Macartney, Stanislaus Odo De Burgh Snape | | 21-01-1945 | |
| MacAuley, J. | | | |
| MacBeth, James Stewart Fraser | | 00-00-1963 | more |
| MacCallum, Gordon Blair | | 23-10-1942 | |
| MacCallum, Hector Bruce | 00-00-1921 | 17-09-1942 | |
| MacCarthy, Joseph Aidan | 19-03-1913 | 11-10-1995 | |
| MacCarthy, Peter Francis | | | |
| MacCoubrey, James Grant | 23-02-1915 | 21-02-1941 | |
| Macdonald, Alan Scotland | | 08-09-1941 | |
| MacDonald, Alastair | 24-08-1907 | 00-00-1994 | more |
| MacDonald, Bryan George Ghislain | | 00-11-1943 | |
| MacDonald, Charles Edward Stuart | 00-00-1926 | 18-11-1944 | |
| MacDonald, Douglas Ronald Victor | | | |
| MacDonald, Duncan | | 07-06-1940 | |
| MacDonald, Duncan Stuart | 15-03-1912 | 29-02-1996 | |
| MacDonald, Frederick | | 02-03-1943 | |
| MacDonald, John MacKenzie | | 14-09-1943 | |
| MacDonald, Malcolm John | 17-08-1901 | 11-01-1981 | |
| MacDonald, William Macandrew | | 22-10-1944 | |
| MacDonald, William Mary Laurence | 11-08-1908 | 09-11-1984 | more |
| Macduff-Duncan, Colin Edmund | | | |
| Mace, Peter | 18-04-1922 | 03-02-1996 | |
| MacEachen, Roderick Angus | | 30-09-1944 | |
| Macer, Thomas Harold | 05-03-1915 | 00-12-1995 | |
| MacEwan, Malcolm "Technicolor" | 00-00-1894 | 00-08-1985 | more |
| Macey, Robert D. | | | |
| MacFadden, Richard Denis Barry | 27-12-1912 | 14-02-1942 | |
| MacFarlane, Duncan Lewis MacKenzie | 09-04-1907 | 31-10-1998 | |
| MacFarlane, John William | | | |
| MacFarlane, William | | | |
| MacGill MacBryan, Gerald Trueman | 09-01-1902 | 00-00-1953 | |
| MacGillivray, Ian Angus | | | |
| Machin, A. J. | | | |
| Machin, Noel Gordon | | | |
| MacIndoe, Robert Gourlay | | | |
| MacInnes, Ian Dashwood | | 23-01-1944 | |
| MacIntosh, Charles Nicholson | | | |
| MacIntosh, Donald | | | |
| MacIntyre, Peter McDonald | | 21-02-1944 | |
| Maciver, Donald A. | 13-08-1920 | | |
| MacIver, Peter Graeme | 13-06-1905 | 16-10-1989 | |
| Mack, Michael Charles Xavier | 00-00-1911 | 24-08-1943 | |
| Mack, Philip John | 06-10-1892 | 29-04-1943 | more |
| Mackay, Alexander John "Jack" | | | |
| Mackay, Douglas Keith | | | |
| Mackay, Duncan | | 10-08-1940 | |
| Mackay, Eric Maclachan | 00-00-1921 | 00-00-1995 | |
| Mackay, Neil | | | |
| Mackay, William John | 00-00-1915 | 08-08-1941 | |
| MacKelden, Alec Frank | 09-08-1922 | 21-10-2008 | |
| Mackeller | | | |
| Mackenzie | | | |
| MacKenzie, Angus Alexander | 09-01-1905 | 00-00-1975 | more |
| Mackenzie, Charles Alexander | | 28-05-1940 | |
| Mackenzie, Charles Baillie | | | |
| Mackenzie, Charles John | | | |
| MacKenzie, Colin F. | | | |
| MacKenzie, Frederick Edwin | | | |
| MacKenzie, James Noble | | 25-06-1943 | |
| MacKenzie, Kenneth William | 08-06-1916 | 04-06-2009 | |
| MacKenzie, Robert David Walter | | 13-10-1944 | |
| MacKenzie, W. | | 17-03-1916 | |
| Mackenzie, Wilfred Fitzgerald | 26-03-1911 | 15-06-1985 | |
| Mackichan, Ronald William Alexander | | | |
| Mackid, John Goodsir | | 28-04-1942 | |
| Mackie, Norman Alexander John | 22-12-1920 | 01-01-2003 | |
| Mackinlay, Alexander | 00-12-1879 | | more |
| Mackinnon, Mervyn Alexander | | 29-09-1944 | |
| Mackinnon, Neil | | 15-11-1944 | |
| Mackinnon, Sir, William Henry | 15-12-1852 | 17-03-1929 | |
| Mackinnon, William Alexander | | | |
| Mackintosh, Angus Alexander | | 13-10-1918 | |
| Macklay | | | |
| Macklin, Ronald | | 22-10-1944 | |
| Mackrell, Gyles "The Elephant Man" | 09-10-1888 | 20-02-1959 | |
| MacLachlan, Alastair Robert Anderson | 16-01-1922 | 07-09-1943 | |
| MacLachlan, James Archibald Findlay | 01-04-1919 | 31-07-1943 | |
| MacLachlan, Ronald John Neil | | | |
| MacLaren, Ian Archibald | | 03-11-1944 | |
| MacLaren, Ian Harker | | | |
| MacLaurin, Henry Normand | | 07-04-1944 | |
| Maclay, Joseph Paton, 2nd Baron | 31-05-1899 | 07-11-1969 | |
| MacLean, Angus | | 04-12-1944 | |
| MacLean, Gordon | | 16-05-1941 | |
| MacLeay, Angus | | | more |
| MacLeay, John | | 26-08-1915 | |
| MacLellan, Malcolm | | 20-12-1942 | |
| MacLennan, Donald | | | |
| MacLeod, Alastair | | 14-11-1944 | |
| MacLeod, Angus Peter | 28-01-1907 | 29-01-1944 | |
| MacLeod, Arthur George | | | |
| MacLeod, Donald | | 01-03-1916 | |
| MacLeod, Kenneth Robert | | 17-12-1942 | |
| MacLeod, Malcolm | | 09-07-1919 | |
| MacLeod, Robert Bruce Darell | | | |
| MacLeod, William | | 08-07-1940 | |
| Macmillan, Gordon Holmes Alexander "Babe" | 06-01-1897 | 21-01-1986 | more |
| MacMillan, John | | 25-06-1943 | |
| Macmillan, Maurice Harold, 1st Earl of Stockton | 10-02-1894 | 29-12-1986 | |
| MacMillan, Robert Watten | | | |
| MacMillen, Christopher John Salter | | | |
| MacNeece, William Foster | 21-08-1889 | 28-03-1978 | more |
| MacPherson, Alasdair Charles | 00-00-1912 | 01-08-1941 | |
| MacPherson, Alexander | | 09-07-1941 | |
| Macpherson, Bruce Edwin Cornwall | 00-00-1922 | 09-10-1943 | |
| MacPherson, Bruce Maxwell | | 25-10-1944 | |
| MacPherson, Duncan George | 20-06-1912 | 15-04-1989 | |
| MacPherson, Keith Dalroy | | 29-07-1940 | |
| MacPherson, Michael Stuart | | 09-10-1944 | |
| MacPherson, Thomas, 1st Baron | 09-07-1888 | 11-06-1965 | |
| Macpherson, Walter Dugald | | | |
| MacPhillips, Patrick | | | |
| MacRae, Alistair | | 07-01-1945 | |
| Macrae, Robert Stuart | | | |
| Macready, Gordon Nevil, 2nd Baronet | 05-04-1891 | 17-10-1956 | more |
| MacTavish, Claud Gordon Humphry | | 04-02-1943 | |
| MacWilliam, Maurice Edgar MacGregor | 07-02-1920 | 30-12-1996 | |
| Madden, Herbert Joseph | | 19-08-1941 | |
| Maddick, Ernest James | | | |
| Maddison, Frederick Charles | | | |
| Maddocks, Derek Galbraith | | | |
| Maddox, Patrick Reinald "Red" | 01-11-1913 | 00-09-1991 | |
| Maffey, Percy Frederick George | 25-07-1919 | | |
| Magan, Daniel William | | 23-04-1944 | |
| Maggs, Charles Henry | | | |
| Magnus, Harold Frederick Samuel | 13-09-1894 | 11-02-1965 | |
| Magrath, Ernest Robert Butson | | 13-10-1941 | |
| Magrath, Ian Patrick | | 10-08-1941 | |
| Maguire, Albert Michael | 30-12-1922 | | |
| Maguire, Harold John | 12-04-1912 | 01-02-2001 | more |
| Mahaddie, Thomas Gilbert "Hamish" | 00-03-1911 | 16-01-1997 | more |
| Maher, William Christopher "Paddy" | | 24-07-1946 | more |
| Mahler, John Noel | | 17-01-1942 | |
| Mahood, John Robert | | | |
| Maile, Edward | | | |
| Main, Henry | | | |
| Mair, Alfred Peter | | 26-03-1942 | |
| Mair, John Alexander | | 22-06-1945 | |
| Mair, Thomas | | 10-12-1943 | |
| Majury, Donald MacKenzie | | 18-10-1944 | |
| Makin, R.H. | | | |
| Makower, John Maritz | | | |
| Malcolm, Alastair David | | 22-09-1943 | |
| Malcolm, Alexander | | 14-12-1944 | |
| Malcolm, Charles John Ogilvie | 06-10-1903 | | |
| Malcolm, Hugh Gordon | 02-05-1917 | 04-12-1942 | |
| Mallard, Reginald John | | 31-05-1940 | |
| Maller, Fredrick | | | |
| Mallett, Henry Arthur | | 23-10-1942 | |
| Mallett, Ronald Spencer | 05-10-1913 | 28-06-1944 | |
| Malley, James Young 'Zulu Jim' | 24-07-1918 | 05-06-2000 | more |
| Mallinson, James Arthur | | 01-10-1943 | |
| Mallory, Harry | | 11-03-1944 | |
| Malloy, Eric | | 22-11-1944 | |
| Malpass, Stanley | | | |
| Malster, Frederick | | 25-11-1944 | |
| Malster, Robert | 00-00-1913 | 19-10-1983 | |
| Maltby, Charles | | 14-05-1943 | |
| Maltby, Christopher James | | 25-03-1945 | |
| Maltby, David John Hatfield | 10-05-1920 | 15-09-1943 | |
| Maltby, Paul Copeland | 05-08-1892 | 02-07-1971 | |
| Mander, Howard Anthony Nelson | | 16-10-1944 | |
| Manders, Alfred | | 13-02-1945 | |
| Manders, Denis Gerard | | 21-11-1944 | |
| Mange, Emile Albert Oliver | 19-10-1912 | 18-02-1988 | |
| Mangham, Peter | | 22-09-1944 | |
| Manison, Ernest Edward | | 19-08-1941 | |
| Manley, John Dennington | | 27-04-1944 | |
| Manley, R.S. | | | |
| Manley, Roy | | 06-06-1944 | |
| Mann, Francis | | | |
| Mann, Gordon Cayley | | 16-10-1944 | |
| Mann, Jack "Jackie" | 11-06-1914 | 11-11-1995 | |
| Mann, John Pelham | | | |
| Mann, John Rouffignac | | 28-08-2017 | |
| Mann, Michael Woodham | 27-05-1917 | 09-02-2012 | |
| Mann, Norman | | 19-10-1944 | |
| Mann, Richard | | | |
| Mannell, Fredrick | | | |
| Mannering | | | |
| Manning, John | | | |
| Mannix, Albert James | | | |
| Manser, Leslie Thomas | 11-05-1922 | 31-05-1942 | |
| Manser, R.J. | | | |
| Manser, Ronald William | | 22-10-1944 | |
| Mansergh, Cecil Aubrey Lawson "Aub" | 07-10-1898 | 31-07-1990 | |
| Mansfield, John James | | 23-06-1943 | |
| Mansfield, John Maurice | 22-12-1893 | 04-02-1949 | more |
| Mansfield, Robert Denys | | 12-11-1965 | |
| Mansley, John Kenneth | | 01-05-1943 | |
| Manson, John | 00-00-1923 | 23-05-1944 | |
| Manson, Robert Pringle | | 06-12-1944 | |
| Mantell, John Paul | | 09-06-1918 | |
| Mantle, Jack Foreman | 12-04-1917 | 04-07-1940 | |
| Manton, Richard John | | 20-10-1943 | |
| Manvell, Robert Edward | | 24-06-1944 | |
| Maple, John Edward | 00-00-1914 | 26-07-1942 | |
| Mapp, Ivor Philip | 00-00-1911 | | |
| March, Jack Ernest | | | |
| March-Phillipps, Gustavus Henry "Gus" | 00-00-1908 | 12-09-1942 | |
| Marchant, Anthony John | | | |
| Marchant, Charles Edward | | 04-04-1945 | |
| Marchant, William Bunney | | 23-09-1943 | |
| Mardon, Emily Alberta "Mrs. Knee" | | | |
| Margesson, Henry David R., 1st Viscount Margesson | 26-07-1890 | 24-12-1965 | |
| Margetts, Edward William | | 27-08-1942 | |
| Markey, Alfred Thomas | 30-11-1912 | 18-11-1944 | |
| Marklew, Cyril | | 17-11-1944 | |
| Markovitch, Alfred Braham | | 02-11-1944 | |
| Marks, James Hardy | 00-00-1918 | 19-09-1942 | |
| Marks, Lepold Samuel "Leo" | 24-09-1920 | 15-01-2001 | |
| Marks, Robert Alan | | 09-11-1945 | |
| Marland, Alfred | | 02-06-1942 | |
| Marment, Arthur Verriour | 17-07-1917 | 17-01-2009 | |
| Marnell, Gerard | | | |
| Marples, Roy | 22-01-1920 | 26-04-1944 | |
| Marquis, Frederick James, 1st Earl of Woolton | 23-08-1883 | 14-12-1964 | |
| Marr, Walter | | 25-03-1945 | |
| Marrable, Arthur Trevor | 12-10-1909 | 22-02-1954 | |
| Marriott, Eric Vincent | 00-00-1901 | 00-00-1993 | |
| Marriott, John Horace | 23-01-1916 | 21-01-2007 | |
| Marrs, Alan Sydney | | | |
| Marsden, Alfred | | 12-07-1940 | |
| Marsden, Edwin | | 25-07-1941 | |
| Marsden, Robert | | | |
| Marsh, Alan Edward | 05-05-1912 | 12-04-2001 | more |
| Marsh, Gordon Cedric | | 03-07-1941 | |
| Marsh, John Anthony | | 14-11-1984 | more |
| Marsh, Sidney | | 21-02-1945 | |
| Marsh, Thomas William | | 01-01-1955 | |
| Marshall, Barton | | 25-10-1917 | |
| Marshall, Ernest | | 30-10-1944 | |
| Marshall, F | | | |
| Marshall, George Francis | | 14-07-1945 | |
| Marshall, Harry Kenneth Frank | | | |