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Möse, Walter

Date of birth:
September 30th, 1920 (Langenbielau, Germany)
Date of death:
November 28th, 1944 (Goldap/Eastern Prussia, Germany)


Posthumously promoted to Oberfeldwebel.

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Second World War (1939-1945)
Oberjäger (Corporal)
Zugführer, 13. Kompanie, III. Bataillon, Jäger-Regiment 49, 28. Jäger-Division, Heer
Awarded on:
March 11th, 1943
During the fighting south of Lake Ladoga in February 1943, Möse and 7 men were ordered to secure the retreat of their Bataillon. A sector that had previously been held by 2 Kompanien now had to be held with just 7 men. At 02:00 hours Möse and his men first eliminated a Soviet reconnaissance patrol (consisting of 25 men). At 03:45 a new hostile assault troop with 60 men met the same fate. Finally, two Soviet companies launched an attack against this sector at 06:15. After a 30 minute firefight Möse and his men pulled back to the old Bataillon command post, and from here counterattacked a Soviet force that had broken through on the right. This group, consisting of 18 men, had hidden in an old ammunition bunker to shelter from the bitter cold and were not expecting the arrival of Möse and his troops. They cleared out the bunker and finally pulled back to the new defensive line, while taking their wounded comrades with them. For this successful rearguard action in the face of difficult odds, Oberjäger Möse would receive the Knight’s Cross.
Ritterkreuz des Eisernen Kreuzes
Second World War (1939-1945)
Feldwebel (Staff Sergeant)
Zugführer, 13. Kompanie, III. Bataillon, Jäger-Regiment 49, 28. Jäger-Division, Heer
Awarded on:
February 10th, 1944
Ritterkreuz mit Eichenlaub
Awarded for his actions in the middle of January 1944, south of Novgorod. After the fall of all the officers in his battalion, Möse personally took over its leadership (as just a Feldwebel no less!) and yet was still able to accomplish a decisive defensive victory. He would be recognized appropriately for this deed.

390th Award.
Second World War (1939-1945)
Awarded on:
August 22nd, 1941
Eisernes Kreuz 2. Klasse
Second World War (1939-1945)
Awarded on:
May 28th, 1942
Eisernes Kreuz 1. Klasse

