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Baerens, Friedrich

Date of birth:
April 22nd, 1888 (Satow/Mecklenburg-Schwerin, Germany)
Date of death:
January 2nd, 1967 (Gauting/Bavaria, Germany)
German (1933-1945, Third Reich)


October 18th, 1910: Fähnric;
August 20th, 1911: Leutnant;
August 18th, 1915: Oberleutnant;
August 18th, 1918: Hauptmann;
October 17th, 1919: Hauptmann (Polizei);
April 29th, 1927: Major (Polizei);
April 20th, 1935: Oberstleutnant (Polizei);
October 16th, 1935: Oberstleutnant;
January 1st, 1938: Oberst;
December 1st, 1943: Generalmajor.

February 10th, 1910: Armee;
?: Infanterie-Regiment 141;
October 1st, 1910 - augustus 1911: Kriegsschule, Metz;
?: Kompanie-Offizier Infanterie-Regiment 141;
May 22nd, 1913: Zugführer, Infanterie-Regiment 97;
December 22nd, 1914: Beobachterausbildung, 5. Flieger-Ersatz-Abteilung, Hannover;
March 8th, 1915: Beobachter, 47. Feld-Flieger-Abteilung;
September 30th, 1917: Beobachter, 37. Feld-Flieger-Abteilung;
December 9th, 1918 - September 2nd, 1919: Fliegerhorst, Grenzschutzes-Ost, Insterburg;
September 2nd, 1919: Polizei;
October 17th, 1919: Chef, Grenzschutzeinheit "Marienwerder";
?: Schutzpolizei, Marienwerder;
?: Polizei-Offizier, Kasernierten Polizei, Stettin;
?: Adjutant, Landspolizei-Inspektion "Nord";
?: Chef, Landespolizei-Abteilung, Harburg/Elbe;
October 16th, 1935: Referent Luftgaukommando 7, Dresden;
February 4th, 1938: Referent Luftgaukommando IV, Dresden;
June 3rd, 1940: Referent Luftgaukommando "Belgien Nord-Frankreich";
April 1st, 1942: Stab Flughafen-Bereichs-Kommando "3/VI", Cottbus;
July 10th, 1942: Stab Flughafen-Bereichs-Kommando "10/IV";
October 19th, 1942: Flughafen-Bereichs-Kommandant "7/IV";
February 1st, 1943: Flughafen-Bereichs-Kommandant "4/VIII";
May 17th, 1944: Führerreserve;
?: Flieger-Ersatz-Division;
December 31st, 1944: Retirement.

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