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Jodl, Ferdinand Alfred Friedrich

    Date of birth:
    November 28th, 1896 (Landau/Bavaria, Germany)
    Date of death:
    June 9th, 1956 (Essen/Northrhine-Westphalia, Germany)


    Ferdinand Jodl was born as Ferdinand Baumgärtler and was the son of Johannes Jodl and Therese Baumgärtler who were not yet married at the time of his birth. He was the brother to Alfred Jodl.

    For his services during the First WOrld War he also received the Bayerischer Militärverdienstorden IV. Klasse mit Schwertern (MArch 6th, 1916).

    August 15th, 1914: Fähnrich;
    November 15th, 1915: Leutnant;
    April 1st, 1925: Oberleutnant;
    February 1st, 1931: Hauptmann;
    January 1st, 1936: Major;
    January 1st, 1939: Oberstleutnant;
    November 1st, 1940: Oberst;
    February 1st, 1942: Generalmajor;
    September 1st, 1943: Generalleutnant;
    September 1st, 1944: General der Gebirgstruppe.

    August 15th, 1914: 4. Bayerische Feldartillerie-Regiment „König", Augsburg;
    October 16th, 1914 - November 25th, 1914: Jüterborg;
    March 7th, 1915: Batterieoffizier 3. Batterie, 4. Bayerische Feldartillerie-Regiment „König";
    June 18th, 1917 - June 29th, 1917: Ersatz-Bataillon;
    November 5th, 1917: II. Reserve-Abteilung;
    January 23rd, 1918: Batterieoffizier 3. Batterie, 4. Bayerische Feldartillerie-Regiment „König";
    September 23rd, 1918 - November 9th, 1918: Ordonnanzoffizier, Feldartillerie-Regiment „König";
    April 22nd, 1919: Adjutant Artillerie-Führer Freikorps;
    ?; Reichswehr-Artillerie-Regiment 22;
    ?: Reichswehr-Artillerie-Regiment 21;
    August 31st, 1920: 7. (Bayerisches) Artillerie-Regiment, Nürnberg;
    May 1st, 1924 - August 15th, 1924: Waffenlehrgang, Wünsdorf;
    ?: 6. Gebirgsbatterie, Landsberg am Lech;
    October 1st, 1926: 4. Gebirgseskadron, 7. (Bayerische) Fahr-Abteilung;
    April 1st, 1927 - July 1st, 1927: Adjutant 4. Gebirgseskadron, 7. (Bayerische) Fahr-Abteilung;
    ?: 19. (Bayerisches) Infanterie-Regiment;
    October 1st, 1927: Führer-Gehilfenausbildung, Stab, 6. Division, Münster;
    June 1st, 1929 - October 1st, 1929: 6. (Preußische) Kraftfahr-Abteilung;
    ?: 1. Batterie, 6. (Preußisches) Artillerie-Regiment;
    October 1st, 1930: Reichswehrministerium, Berlin;
    April 1st, 1932: Truppenamt, Abteilung Fremde Heere (T 3);
    July 1st, 1934: Batteriechef, 7. (Bayerisches) Artillerie-Regiment;
    August 1st, 1935: Taktiklehrer , Heereskriegsakademie;
    ? - June 1st, 1940: Erster Generalstabsoffizier, Stab, XII. Armeekorps;
    ? - October 25th, 1940: Chef des Generalstabe, XII. Armeekorps;
    ?: Chef des Generalstab XXXXIX. Gebirgs-Korps;
    January 6th, 1942: Generalstabschef, AOK Norwegen;
    ?: Generalstabschef, AOK Lappland;
    June 22nd, 1942 - March 1st, 1944: Chefs des Generalstab, 20. Gebirgs-Armee;
    April 21st, 1944 - September 1st, 1944: Führerreserve;
    ? - November 25th, 1944: Kommandierender General, XIX. Gebirgs-Armeekorps.

    Do you have more information about this person? Inform us!

    Second World War (1939-1945)
    Awarded on:
    January 12th, 1935
    Ehrenkreuz für Frontkämpfer
    Second World War (1939-1945)
    Awarded on:
    October 2nd, 1936
    Dienstauszeichnung der Wehrmacht 4.Klasse, 4 Jahre
    Second World War (1939-1945)
    Awarded on:
    October 2nd, 1936
    Dienstauszeichnung der Wehrmacht  3.Klasse, 12 Jahre
    Second World War (1939-1945)
    Awarded on:
    October 2nd, 1936
    Dienstauszeichnung der Wehrmacht  2. Klasse, 18 Jahre
    Second World War (1939-1945)
    Awarded on:
    October 2nd, 1936
    Dienstauszeichnung der Wehrmacht  1.Klasse, 25 Jahre
    Second World War (1939-1945)
    Awarded on:
    September 6th, 1939

    Had already received the Iron Cross 2nd Class on October 20th, 1915.
    1939 Spange zum Eisernes Kreuz 2er Klasse 1914
    Second World War (1939-1945)
    Awarded on:
    May 16th, 1940

    Had already received the Iron Cross 1st Class on June 2nd, 1918.
    1939 Spange zum Eisernes Kreuz 1er Klasse 1914
    Second World War (1939-1945)
    Awarded on:
    November 22nd, 1940
    Deutsches Schutzwall-Ehrenzeichen
    Second World War (1939-1945)
    Awarded on:
    July 24th, 1941
    War Victory Cross Order 3rd Class
    Second World War (1939-1945)
    Awarded on:
    November 5th, 1941

    Awarded on the ribbon of the Ordinul "Meritul Militar".
    Ordinul Steaua Romaniei Commander
    Second World War (1939-1945)
    Awarded on:
    March 25th, 1942

    Awarded with swords.
    Vapaudenristin 1.luokka (VR 1)
    Second World War (1939-1945)
    Awarded on:
    April 10th, 1942
    Red Krune Kralja Zvonimira I.Stupnja Cross with Swords and Star
    Second World War (1939-1945)
    Awarded on:
    August 1st, 1942
    Second World War (1939-1945)
    Generalmajor (Brigadier)
    Chefs des Generalstab, 20. Gebirgs-Armee, Heer
    Awarded on:
    April 11th, 1943
    Deutsches Kreuz in Gold
    Second World War (1939-1945)
    General der Gebirgstruppe (Lieutenant General of Mountain Forces)
    Kommandierender General, XIX. Gebirgs-Armeekorps, Heer
    Awarded on:
    January 13th, 1945
    Awarded for his distinguished command of the XIX. Gebirgs-Korps during its defensive battles around Petsamo against an enemy that outnumbered them fivefold. Following the capitulation of Finland Jodl and his Korps had the difficult task of providing flank security for the retreating German 20. Gebirgs-Armee, a task in which they succeeded largely on account of Jodl’s leadership abilities. Despite the constant danger from hostile aircraft, artillery and snipers he was always to be found at the most dangerous parts of the frontline.
    Ritterkreuz des Eisernen Kreuzes
