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Bajorat, Kurt

Date of birth:
December 2nd, 1922 (Groß Baum-Labiau/Eastern Prussia, Germany)
Date of death:
January 15th, 1945 (Katenau-Ebenrode/Eastern Prussia, Germany)


Kurt Bajorat finally reached the rank of Unteroffizier der Reserve.

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Second World War (1939-1945)
Obergefreiter (Corporal)
Gruppenführer 3. / Panzergrenadier-Regiment 13 / 5.Panzer-Division
Awarded on:
May 15th, 1944
Awarded for his actions on the 31.03.1944. At around 12:00 on this day his Bataillon launched an attack against the village of Zaczernece (near Kovel). The following extract from Bajorat’s Knight’s Cross recommendation details specifically why he was awarded the Knight’s Cross…

“The attack was halted by strong enemy defensive fire after it had left the forest that had served as an assembly area. In this situation Obergefreiter Bajorat sprang forth at the head of his Kompanie, and with loud cries of Hurra he stormed the first enemy resistance nest and knocked it out with hand grenades and machine-pistol fire. Inspired by his example, the attack of both Kompanien was once again brought into motion. His mess kit and water canteen were shot up by MG bursts, yet he continued to spare himself no rest, and without worrying about whether his comrades were following he entered into the village itself and eliminated additional resistance nests. The Russian forward observer was found in the second cleared nest, and after he was taken out the enemy’s aimed fire correspondingly ceased. Following hard combat, both Kompanien succeeded in capturing the village.”

Bajorat himself was wounded during the capture of this village.
Ritterkreuz des Eisernen Kreuzes

