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Borch, Freiherr von der, Alhard

Date of birth:
February 1st, 1916 (Berlin/Brandenburg, Germany)
Date of death:
November 2nd, 1975 (Prien am Chiemsee/Bavaria, Germany)


Alhard Freiherr von der Borch reached the rank of Oberstleutnant.

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Second World War (1939-1945)
Kommandeur, Panzer-Aufklärungs-Abteilung 115, 15. Panzergrenadier-Division, Heer
Awarded on:
August 19th, 1944
The following newspaper article describes why Borch received the Knight’s Cross…

“Bold Deed of a Rittmeister - Knight’s Cross for a Berlin Officer:
During the middle of May the enemy launched a major attack against the sector that was defended by the Abteilung. However, despite their great numbers and the support of tanks, they were initially unable to achieve any success. Rittmeister v. d. Borch was actively involved in the organization of this defensive effort, during which he also never ceased to inspire his men to their highest level of resistance. But his concern was drawn to his right flank, where contact with the neighbouring unit had been lost and a consequent frontline gap created. It was not long before the enemy exploited this weakness, and they poured strong forces into this gap. This created the danger that the enemy would get into the rear areas of Kampfgruppe Nagel from this position and subsequently roll up the unit’s defenses. However Rittmeister v. d. Borch did not lose his nerve. He knew what was going on now and was determined to act.
He commandeered 4 squads from the hard-pressed frontline of his own Abteilung. Then, taking a position at their head, he led them in a counterthrust against the vastly numerically superior enemy forces in his right flank. And the unthinkable succeeded! The brave officer and his faithful troops were able to throw back the enemy in bitter close combat. This bold deed was of decisive importance for enabling the entire Kampfgruppe to fulfill its mission. Such a thing would have been impossible if Rittmeister v. d. Borch had not crushed the enemy envelopment maneuver at just the right moment. For this he has been awarded the Knight’s Cross to the Iron Cross by the Führer.”
Ritterkreuz des Eisernen Kreuzes

