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Braun, Alfred (Grenadier-Regiment 544)

Date of birth:
March 9th, 1915 (Rammersweier/Baden, Germany)
Date of death:
July 15th, 1944 (Ssoholitsche, Latvia)


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Second World War (1939-1945)
Oberfeldwebel (Warrant Officer)
Zugführer, 3. Kompanie, I. Bataillon, Grenadier-Regiment 544, 389. Infanterie-Division, Heer
Awarded on:
August 12th, 1944
Awarded for distinguishing himself in the Sokololischtsche—Drissa—Nitscha area on the 15.07.1944. Up until 03:45 on this day the Soviets plastered heavy artillery fire on their assault sectors before launching an attack, wherein 200 men attacked Braun’s sector. Braun allowed the enemy to approach to a range of 50 metres before ordering his Zug to open fire. When the Soviets penetrated into the sector of the right neighbour with 80 men, Braun decided to launch a counterattack on his own initiative with 18 men that succeeded in throwing the attackers back. By doing this Braun prevented a hostile breakthrough towards the north, one which would have cut off a sizeable quantity of German troops.

Awarded posthumously.
Ritterkreuz des Eisernen Kreuzes

