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Brettschneider, Konrad (Sturmgeschütz-Brigade 904)

Date of birth:
January 6th, 1920 (Schlaupe/Neumarkt/Silesia, Germany)
Date of death:
July 9th, 2008 (Meitingen/Bavaria, Germany)


01.10.1939: Gefreiter
01.05.1940: Unteroffizier
01.09.1940: Wachtmeister
01.12.1942: Leutnant
01.10.1944: Oberleutnant
07.03.1959: Hauptmann
31.07.1963: Major
15.07.1966: Oberstleutnant

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Second World War (1939-1945)
Oberleutnant (1st Lieutenant)
Führer 1. / Sturmgeschütz-Brigade 904 / Heerestruppe
Awarded on:
February 1st, 1945
During the combat in January 1945 the 292. Infanterie-Division was assigned to occupy a bridgehead along the Omulew (a tributary of the Narew) and hold it until a large Armee supply depot had been evacuated. Although the hard-pressed German infantry were able to hold out at first, their strength soon became sapped. A new regimental-sized Soviet force with numerous tanks was spotted assembling for a renewed attack, and this was one the defenders would not be able to stop.

Oberleutnant Brettschneider immediately recognized this danger, and so he subordinated a Zug of Grenadiers to his Batterie of 6 Sturmgeschütze. Moving on his own initiative, he struck the flank of the Soviet assembly area in an energetic attack. After a short yet fierce engagement this assembly area was smashed and the Soviet regiment destroyed. This success enabled the defending German infantry to fulfill their task until the important supply depot had been evacuated. Oberleutnant Brettschneider was later awarded the Knight’s Cross for his actions here.
Ritterkreuz des Eisernen Kreuzes
Second World War (1939-1945)
Awarded on:
August 8th, 1944
Eisernes Kreuz 1. Klasse
Second World War (1939-1945)
Awarded on:
October 26th, 1941
Eisernes Kreuz 2. Klasse

