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Eendenburg, van, Leendert Carel Marie

    Date of birth:
    December 29th, 1914 (Batavia/Dutch East Indies, The Netherlands)
    Date of death:
    September 4th, 1966
    Service number:


    Kees van Eendenburg was a fraternity member of the University of Leiden and a reserve officer with the Dutch Airforce when war broke out. Accompanied by Karel Michielsen and Freddie Vas Nunes, he decides to escape to England some eight weeks after the occupation. Van Eendenburg has got a 12 feet boat (some 3,5 metres), without motor.
    They practise for weeks on the beaches of Noordwijk to get the boat in the sea while the Germans are watching them. When the Germans order that all boats should be taken off the beaches, they grab their chances. On Friday, July 5th 1940, they mention sailing their boat back to IJmuiden to a German guard and then cross the North Sea, reaching the UK on July 8th. They are the first 'Engelandvaarders' who crossed the North Sea succesfully. After them, another 30 Dutch men tried.
    They sailed soley on a cheap compass and managed to arrive only three miles from the place the intended to. Finally they were picked up by a British war vessel. The father of Van Eendenburg already is in London and is member ot the board of the Shipping and Trade Committee.
    On the day of their arrival the whole day he's questioned by the Dutch Admiralty, Intelligence Service and the Dutch Departments of War and Foreign Affairs.
    Initially he's placed with the Royal Navy. But in April 1941, he's transfered tot the Royal Air Force, No. 118 Squadron. After that, Van Eendenburg is being placed with No. 322 (Dutch) Squadron. On September 1st 1944, Squadron Leader Kuhlmann and Flight Commanders Plesman and Van Eendenburg take of for a offensive reconnaissance sortie. Kuhlman is shot down by German Flak. He was seen bailing out near Cape Gris Nez. He was captured by the Germans. Plesman is shot down by Flak to be never heard of again.
    Van Eendenburg is shot down near Lille. He makes a forced landing and manages to stay out of German hands. On September 11th he returns to his squadron. On September 19th he's made Squadron Leader of no. 322 and retains that position until November 17th 1944.
    After the war he relinquishes his commison soon, having been credited with destroying 8 V1's and passes away on September 4th, 1966.

    Do you have more information about this person? Inform us!

    Second World War (1939-1945)
    Reserve-Tweede Luitenant
    Awarded on:
    August 19th, 1940
    For preparing their escape with great caution from the occupied territory of The Netherlands in war time and the courageous and tactful executing their crossing to England, on which due to little seaworthyness as well as the operatons of the enemy great risks were attached."

    Royal Decree of August 19th, 1940.
    Bronzen Kruis (BK)
    Second World War (1939-1945)
    Reserve-Eerste Luitenant-Vlieger

    Royal Decree no. 8 of January 6th, 1944
    Vliegerkruis (VK)

