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Passchendaele Memorial Gardens Zonnebeke

"Passchendaele Memorial Gardens" in the castle park of Zonnebeke

Text on the information board:

These gardens are part of the ‘Legacy of Passchendaele’ master plan. Part of this project is to reunite the two castle grounds that have been separate since 1960. In June 2013, work started to reconstruct the landscaped grounds around the 1933 house. Landscape, recreation, and education are the guiding factors of the design.

These Memorials Gardens are a remarkable component. Seven gardens in the form of a poppy will be incorporated into the grounds. The aim is to create a memorial garden for the countries that fought during World War I.
During the period from 2014 – 2018 the idea is to open at least one newly created garden each year.

Each poppy consists of three little gardens. They will be designed and created by each participating country and each one will cover three elements of commemoration.

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  • Text: Luc Van Waeyenberge
  • Photos: Luc Van Waeyenberge

50.869644, 2.990468