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Commonwealth War Cemetery Argenta

On 3 September 1943 the Allies invaded the Italian mainland, the invasion coinciding with an armistice made with the Italians who then re-entered the war on the Allied side. Following the fall of Rome to the Allies in June 1944, the German retreat became ordered and successive stands were made on a series of defensive lines. In the northern Appenine mountains the last of these, the Gothic Line, was breached by the Allies during the Autumn campaign and the front inched forward as far as Ravenna in the Adratic sector, but with divisions transferred to support the new offensive in France and the Germans dug in to a number of key defensive positions, the advance stalled as winter set in.

The final Allied offensive begain early the following April and Argenta Gap War Cemetery marks the final stages of the hard fighting in Italy in the spring of 1945.

The site of the cemetery was chosen by the 78th Division for battlefield burials and it was later enlarged when burials were brought in from the surrounding district. It contains, among others, the graves of many men of the Commandos engaged in the amphibious operations on the shores of the Comacchio lagoon early in April 1945.

Argenta Gap War Cemetery contains 625 Commonwealth burials of the Second World War, eight of them unidentified.

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44.634219, 11.83198

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