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Trigg, Lloyd Allan

Date of birth:
May 5th, 1914 (Houhora/Northland, New Zealand)
Date of death:
August 11th, 1943 (West of Africa on the Atlantic Ocean)
Mentioned on:
Malta War Memorial
Plot: 1. Grave: 12.
Service number:
N.Z.413515, Royal New Zealand Air Force
New Zealander


January 16th, 1942: Pilot Officer;

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Second World War (1939-1945)
Pilot Officer
No. 200 Squadron, Royal Air Force
Awarded on:
June 18th, 1943
"This officer has taken part in a large number of shipping reconnaissances and convoy escorts. In March, 1943, he was detailed to provide antisubmarine escort to a convoy that was being attacked by several U-boats. When in the vicinity of the convoy, P/O. Trigg sighted an enemy submarine, and although in an unfavourable position, delivered a vigorous and effective attack. Two days later he sighted another U-boat and immediately made a determined attack, one of the depth charges exploding on the bow of the enemy vessel."
Distinguished Flying Cross (DFC)
Second World War (1939-1945)
Flying Officer
No. 200 Squadron, Royal Air Force
Awarded on:
March 28th, 1944
Victoria Cross (VC)
"Flying Officer Trigg had rendered outstanding service on convoy escort and antisubmarine duties. He had completed 46 operational sorties and had invariably displayed skill and courage of a very high order.
One day in August, 1943, Flying Officer Trigg undertook, as captain and pilot, a patrol in a Liberator although he had not previously made any operational sorties in that type of aircraft. After searching for 8 hours a surfaced U-boat was sighted. Flying Officer Trigg immediately prepared to attack. During the approach, the aircraft received many hits from the submarine's anti-aircraft guns and burst into flames, which quickly enveloped the tail. The moment was critical. Flying Officer Trigg could have broken off the engagement and made a forced landing in the sea. But if he continued the attack, the aircraft would present a "no deflection" target to deadly accurate anti-aircraft fire, and every second spent in the air would increase the extent and intensity of the flames and diminish his chances of survival. There could have been no hesitation or doubt in his mind. He maintained his course in spite of the already precarious condition of his aircraft and executed a masterly attack. Skimming over the U-boat at less than 50 feet with anti-aircraft fire entering his opened bomb doors, Flying Officer Trigg dropped his bombs on and around the U-boat where they exploded with davastating effect. A short distance further on the Liberator dived into the sea with her gallant captain and crew. The U-boat sank within 20 minutes and some of her crew were picked up later in a rubber dinghy that had broken loose from the Liberator.
The Battle of the Atlantic has yielded many fine stories of air attacks on underwater craft, but Flying Officer Trigg's exploit stands out as an epic of grim determination and high courage. His was the path of duty that leads to glory."

Flying Officer Trigg’s Victoria Cross was sold for 132.000 pound at an auction on 6 May 1998.
Only person in the history of the VC that received the decoration accoding to the testimony of the enemy, in this case the commander of U 468,

