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Smith, Holland McTyeire "Howlin' Mad"

Date of birth:
April 20th, 1882 (Seale/Alabama, United States)
Date of death:
January 12th, 1967 (San Diego/California, United States)
Buried on:
Fort Rosecrans National Cemetery


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Second World War (1939-1945)
Major General
Amphibious Corps, Pacific Fleet, U.S. Navy
"For exceptionally meritorious service to the Government of the United States in a position of great responsibility as Commanding General of the Amphibious Corps, Atlantic Fleet, and later as Commanding General, Fleet Marine Force, San Diego Area, and Commanding General of the Amphibious Corps, Pacific Fleet. Prior to our entry into the war and up to September 1943, Major General Smith was responsible for the operational training and combat readiness of various units comprising the amphibious forces. By his capable performance of duty on both coasts of the United States, he laid the groundwork for amphibious training of practically all American units, including at various times, the First and Third Marine Divisions, the First, Seventh and Ninth Infantry Divisions of the Army, and numerous other Marine Corps and Army personnel. His proficient leadership and tireless energy in the development of high combat efficiency among the forces under his supervision were in keeping with the highest traditions of the United States Naval Service."
Distinguished Service Medal - Navy/USMC
Second World War (1939-1945)
Lieutenant General
HQ, V Amphibious Corps, U.S. Marine Corps
"For exceptionally meritorious service to the Government of the United States in a duty of great responsibility as Commanding General of the Expeditionary Troops of the Central Pacific Force prior to and during the operations for the capture of the Gilbert and Marshall Islands, 4 September 1943 to 10 February 1944. By his brilliant initiative, sound judgment and forceful leadership in directing the training and preparation of Army, Navy and Marine Corps troops and in formulating strategic tactical plans for the assault operations, Major General Smith was largely responsible for the high combat efficiency of his forces and contributed materially to the successful invasion of these vital enemy strongholds. His cool courage and unswerving devotion to duty throughout this extremely hazardous period were in keeping with the highest traditions of the United States Naval Service."

This award was obtained in the form of an Gold Star to be attached on the ribbon of the first award.

Distinguished Service Medal - Navy/USMC
Second World War (1939-1945)
Lieutenant General
HQ, V Amphibious Corps, U.S. Marine Corps
"For exceptionally meritorious service to the Government of the United States in a duty of great responsibility as Commanding General of Expeditionary Troops during the amphibious assault and capture of the Japanese-held Southern Marianas in the Pacific from 24 May 1944 to 14 August 1944. A master of amphibious warfare, fiercely imbued with the spirit of combat, Lieutenant General Smith commanded all troops of the United States Army, Marine Corps and Navy attached to the assault and garrison forces during this period. Supervising all plans for the organization and supply of troops and their indoctrination and training, he also evolved tactical plans for landing and for battle. In direct command on shore of the Northern Troops and Landing Force during the invasion of Saipan, he personally conducted the assault operations boldly and with superb generalship, slashing through the enemy's formidable defenses and storming his garrisons with such determined aggression that the intrepid officers and men of his Expeditionary Troops pursued the Japanese into the open where they crushed the desperate resistance of a ruthless and fanatical enemy with decisive valor. His outstanding leadership and indomitable courage in the sustained offensive toward the conquest of this vital Japanese stronghold reflect the highest credit upon Lieutenant General Smith, his gallant command and the United States Naval Service."

This award was obtained in the form of an second Gold Star to be attached on the ribbon of the first award.
Distinguished Service Medal - Navy/USMC
Second World War (1939-1945)
Lieutenant General
Fleet Marine Force Pacific, U.S. Navy
Awarded for:
Operation Detachment
Distinguished Service Medal - Navy/USMC
"For exceptionally meritorious service to the Government of the United States in a duty of great responsibility as Commanding General of the Expeditionary Troops prior to and during the seizure of enemy Japanese-held Iwo Jima in the Volcano Islands, from 19 February 1945 to 16 March 1945. Charged with the preparation and execution of all troop tactical plans for the capture of this strongly fortified enemy bastion, Lieutenant General Smith ably demonstrated his comprehensive understanding of Japanese strategy and defense measures, boldly landing elements of the Fourth and Fifth Marine Divisions along the east coast of Iwo Jima on 19 February against the furious resistance of fanatic troops delivering a merciless rain of fire from impregnable positions cut deep into the volcanic rock. Holding the Third Marine Division in reserve, he maintained close control of operations as his hard-hitting regiments fought and blasted their way over the difficult, mined terrain and up the jagged, gun-studded slopes of the volcano to drive the hostile garrisons from an intricate system of defenses in the east and west sectors and effect capture of Motoyama Airfield Number One, seize formidable Mount Suribachi and its dominating gun positions and slash through the heart of Motoyama Airfield Number Two by the evening of D-plus -5. Ordering waiting elements of the Third Division into combat on D-plus-5, he relieved the battle-wearied, casualty-depleted troops of the initial fighting divisions, thereby strengthening the center line and providing decisive support for the organized break-through to the north. By his brilliant professional ability and indomitable determination during the most critical phases of the fierce conflict, Lieutenant General Smith contributed essentially to the success of this bitterly fought campaign which extended United States control from the Marianas almost to the shores of the Japanese home islands. His dynamic leadership and undaunted valor throughout reflect the highest credit upon Lieutenant General Smith, his gallant command and the United States Naval Service."

This award was obtained in the form of an third Gold Star to be attached on the ribbon of the first award.
Second World War (1939-1945)

With a Silver Star to denote five recognized campaigns.
Asiatic-Pacific Campaign Medal
