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Lloyd, John Edward

Date of birth:
April 13th, 1894 (Ascot Vale/Victoria, Australia)
Date of death:
December 24th, 1965 (Mayanup/Western Australia, Australia)


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First World War (1914-1918)
24th Australian Infantry Battalion, 6th Australian Infantry Brigade, Australian Army
Awarded on:
July 18th, 1917
"Awarded Military Cross for Conspicuous Gallantry and ability whilst commanding his Battalion. During an attack upon the enemy position he displayed excellent judgement in selecting his frontage which he held against repeated counter attacks. After an exhausting fight against superior numbers he withdrew his men with losses of 60 per cent, but still ready for action, owing to his fine personal example."
"For conspicuous gallantry, ability and determination in command of his battalion during the attack on the HINDENBURG Line on 3rd May 1917 and the subsequent consolidations of the captured position.
Dealing with a very difficult situation on both flanks he displayed excellent judgment in selecting the frontage which he held against repeated counter attacks until relieved, inflicting most severe losses on the enemy.
After an exhausting fight against superior numbers, when the troops on his flanks had failed to make good the ground gained, he brought his men out of action with losses amounting to 60 per cent, but still ready for action."
Military Cross (MC)
"For conspicuous bravery in the leading of his Company in the advance on BROODSEINDE RIDGE on 4th Oct. On his right flank whilst waiting for the lift of the barrage from the Red protective line, this officer saved much confusion by skillful and quick re-organisation of units. By personal direction he was able to guide his Company with success in the mopping up of two Pill Boxes. At all times this officer moved about utterly regardless of personal danger, and along with his cheerfulness, was responsible for the keen spirit of resistance shown to the enemy. He personally reconnoitered ground in front of the advanced positions and located an enemy strong post which was subsequently blown out and two prisoners captured. Though wounded twice, this officer remained on duty for 48 hours and has since been evacuated."

Second MC received as bar
Second World War (1939-1945)
Lieutenant Colonel
2/28th Australian Infantry Battalion, Australian Army
Awarded on:
December 30th, 1941
Distinguished Service Order (DSO)
Citation:"For fearlessness, ability & untiring devotion at TOBRUK from 26th March to 31st July 1941."
Recommendation: "At Tobruk during the period 26 Mar to 31 Jul 41 Lt-Col Lloyd has been in command of 2/28 Aust Inf Bn. Early in April during the withdrawal to this area of our forces Lt-Col Lloyd skilfully placed and handled his Bn. enabling our forces to withdraw from the perimeter defences occupied by his Bn. and hold off enemy forces during readjustment and organisation of the Tobruk defences. With the exception of 9 days in reserve since 1 Apr his Bn has occupied front line defences in every sector of the Tobrukk area during which time the activity of his unit in deefence works, raids, and fighting patrols has been of an outstanding nature.
Throughout the period Lt.-Col Lloyd has been almost continuously among his forward troops by day and by night and by his fearlessness, cheery and untiring disposition and decided ability despite the undoubted strain to which he has been subjected he had done much to build and retain the undoubted efficiency and high morale which exists in his Bn."
Second World War (1939-1945)
Lieutenant Colonel
Awarded on:
June 23rd, 1942
Mentioned in Dispatches
Second World War (1939-1945)
16th Australian Infantry Brigade, Australian Army
Awarded on:
December 23rd, 1943
"For conspicuous devotion & leadership at OWEN STANLEY RANGE."
For most conspicuous devotion to duty and determination whilst comdg 16 Aust Inf Bde during operations in the OWEN STANLEY Range to the SANANANDA are from Oct-Dec 43. His Bde first contacted the enemy in well prepared positions at TEMPLETON'S CROSSING on 23 Oct 42 from which date the Bde was in contact with the enemy continually until 6 Dec 42 when it was relieved, except for three or four days whilst the Div was delayed in crossing the KUMUSI River. During this period, his Bde inflicted decisive defeats on the JAP at TEMPLETON'S CROSSING and EORA CREEK, and by its vigorous action at OIVI contained the enemy so completely as to permitt of the decisive action of 25 Aust Inf Bde at GORARI.
During the adv from WAIROPI towards SANANANDA, Brig LLOYD was continually with his foremost tps, urging them to greater speed despite JAP resistance and fatigue."
Commander of the Order of the British Empire (CBE)
