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Deutsches Kreuz in Gold

The German Cross (Deutschen Kreuz) is build up out of 5 separate parts and although the name suggests otherwise, it has the shape of a large 8-pointed breast star with in the center a large black swastika which is outlined in silver. The name of this award comes from this 21,5 mm big swastika. This swastika is placed upon a red-bordered silver disk and upon this red border is a golden laurel leaf wreath mounted. The golden wreath measures 39 mm across and is made out of single laurel leaves that are bounded together with a silk lint. At the bottom of the wreath is a square box with the year 1941 impressed into it. This date refers to the year of institution and from underneath this wreath emerge the eight star points. These points are chemically blackened and have the appearance of sunrays. Underneath these points is a 63 mm large silver backing plate placed which has the same shape as the award, only it’s slightly bigger so it forms the outer line of the award. At the reverse are 4 or 6 rivets visible and through the number of rivets you can recognize if the award was made in Germany or Austria. The German Crosses with 4 rivets were made in Germany and the pieces with 6 rivets in Austria. Further is there at the reverse a large width pin with a standard hook construction placed. If the award is marked with the LDO-number of the producer, then it is stamped in either the front or backside of the pin. To prevent damaging the award during combat, there was also a cloth version made. This cloth version has a metal wreath and the backing cloth colour is the same as the tunic colour of the corresponding Army branch. Fieldgrey is for the Army (Heer) and Waffen-SS, bleu-grey for the Air Force, (Luftwaffe) Marine bleu for the Navy (Kriegsmarine) and black for the Armored forces.

The German Cross in Gold (Deutsches Kreuz in Gold) was awarded for bravery and outstanding achievements in combat but where the Knight’s Cross wasn’t awarded for. The recipient did however already had to own the Iron Cross 1st Class (Eisernes Kreuz 1 Klasse) or Kriegsverdienstkreuz 1.Klasse with swords. The exact number of times that the German Cross in Gold was bestowed is still unknow at this time.

The OKW barred/stopped by decree the awarding of the Gernan Cross in Gold for "multiple remarkable services in troop leadership" from March 10th, 1945 on.

Bidermann, Gottlob-Herbert* August 28th, 1920
† September 1st, 2010

Grid List
NameDate of birthDate of deathAwards
Strasser, Anton  
Strassl, Hubert24-05-191808-07-1943
Strathoff, Karl-Heinz  
Stratmann, Ewald  
Stratmann, Franz  
Stratmann, Fritz  
Stratmann, Hermann  
Stratomeyer, Kurt  
Straub, Jakob  
Straub, Johann (Panzerjäger-Abteilung 7)06-06-191212-07-1996
Straub, Wilfried  
Straubel, Werner  
Strauch, Adolf, 'Adi'28-09-192025-12-2009more
Strauch, Cuno19-11-191115-12-1944
Strauch, Josef  
Strauch, Walter  
Strauch, Willi  
Straulino, Erich  
Strauss, Bruno (Grenadier-Regiment 459)  
Strauss, Gerhard ("R 96" und "R 176")19-01-1921 
Strauß, Albert  
Strauß, Hans  
Strauß, Herbert  
Strauß, Jakob  
Straznicky, Erwin16-01-191603-10-1942
Straßburg, Arnold  
Straßburger, Albert19-07-191816-05-1945more
Straßmair, Hannes02-01-191516-03-1963
Straßner, Max  
Streb, Wilhelm  
Streblow, Helmut  
Streck, Werner04-11-191310-08-2002more
Streckenbach, Bruno (Waffen SS)07-02-190228-10-1977more
Strecker, Günter  
Strecker, Karl20-09-188410-04-1973more
Strecker, Wilhelm  
Strecker, Wolfgang14-03-189909-09-1976
Stredele, Bernhard  
Streger, Otto  
Strehlau, Otto22-11-1915 
Strehle, Helmut  
Strehle, Siegfried  
Strehler, Julius (schw. Panzerjäger-Abt.519)  
Strehlke, Ernst-Günther  
Strehlow, Hans  
Strehlow, Helmut  
Streib, Werner13-06-191115-06-1986more
Streich, Willi  
Streicher, Lothar  
Streinz, Franz  
Streit, Alfons  
Streit, Kurt  
Streit, Nikolaus (Grenadier-Regiment 529)24-02-192400-00-2012
Streit, Werner10-02-191805-03-1993
Streitbörger, Franz  
Streitenberger, Ferdinand (Artillerie-Regiment 6)  
Streitenfeld, Heinz08-11-1906 
Strelow, Gerhard (Kampf-Geschwader 100)  
Strelow, Hermann  
Stremke, Gottfried  
Stremme, Wilhelm  
Strempel, Gustav Max Hans Heinrich (KM)23-11-1897 
Strempel, Helmuth Werner26-05-190513-08-1944more
Strenk, Paul  
Strepp, Mathias30-08-1897 more
Stresow, Erich  
Strey, Wilhelm  
Strich, Waldemar28-07-191127-01-1945
Stricker, Heinrich (Jäger-Regiment 229)  
Stricker, Karl-Adolf (Grenadier-Regiment 115)  
Stricker, Rudolf ('U-488')01-10-191926-04-1944
Strickmann, Kurt  
Stridde, Herbert  
Striedinger, Wilhelm  
Striefler, Johann  
Striegler, Friedrich  
Striewe, Ewald-Bernhard  
Striewsky, Erich  
Stripnieks, Janis19-09-1913 
Strippel, Hans01-12-191226-11-1983more
Stritter, Karl-Friedrich03-04-192213-12-2002more
Strittmatter, Hermann  
Strixner, Josef  
Strnad, Horst Rudolf  
Strob, Heinz 00-00-1993
Strobel, Anton20-05-190322-12-1981
Strobel, Bodo Rolf Ekardt05-12-191927-01-1996
Strobel, Emil  
Strobel, Erwin  
Strobel, Fritz  
Strobel, Hans  
Strobel, Karl  
Strobel, Otto  
Strobel, Paul (KG 4)09-04-190919-09-1943more
Strobel, Rudolf  
Strobl, Wilhelm  
Stroebe, Fritz15-01-1906 
Stroetmann, Hermann  
Stroh, Erich  
Strohbusch, Fritz  
Strohfahrt, Max  
Strohm, Friedrich17-12-190824-09-1944
Strohmaier, Hubert25-03-189610-09-1947more
Strohmaier, Johann (KG 77)  
Strohmayer, Josef Georg Martin19-08-192009-09-1944
Strohmayr, Ludwig  
Strohmeyer, Karl-August  
Strohmeyer, Otto  
Strohmeyer, Wilhelm  
Stroinski, Alfons  
Stromberg, Josef  
Stronk, Wolfram17-11-191910-04-2003more
Stroppe, Willi  
Strote, Hermann  
Strub, Max  
Strube, Gerhard (Grenadier-Regiment 431)  
Strube, Heinrich  
Strubelt, Werner28-05-191409-12-2001
Struck, Dieter (Panzergrenadier-Regiment 5)  
Struck, Dr., Boy (Grenadier-Regiment 252)  
Struck, Heinz (Panzer-Abteilung 129)11-09-191308-09-1944
Struck, Ludwig  
Struckmann, Otto (Infanterie-Regiment 18)  
Struckmann, Rudolf25-12-191819-02-1944
Struckmeier, Ernst (Flak-Rgt. 36)17-01-191520-09-1942
Struckmeier, Rolf ("U 608")27-07-1916 more
Struckmeyer, Johannes (KG)  
Strunk, Jürgen  
Strunk, Kurt  
Strunk, Willi  
Strunz, Gotthard  
Struth, Heinz  
Struve, Hans  
Struve, Markus15-07-1911 more
Stry, Herbert12-09-191621-09-1943more
Strübel, Philipp  
Strücken, Fritz  
Strynar, Walter  
Strüning, Heinz (Nachtjagdgeschwader 1)13-01-191224-12-1944more
Strüven, Otto  
Strähle, Kurt  
Ströder, Klaus  
Strödter, Wilhelm  
Ströhle, Hermann12-11-1907 
Ströhlein, Georg Karl  
Ströhmann, Erich (Grenadier-Regiment 397)  
Ströhmer, Willi (Kampf-Geschwader 51)  
Strößenreuther, Karl  
Stubbe, Gerhard (Kampf-Geschwader 53)  
Stubel, Ewald  
Stubenhöfer, Leopold  
Stubenvoll, Hans  
Stuber, Kaspar (Nachtschlachtgruppe 9)  more
Stuchlick, Werner (Fallschirm-Pz-Gren.Reg.2)25-04-191928-11-1970
Stuck, Anton  
Studnitz, von, Bogislav August Wilhelm12-09-188813-01-1943
Studt, Karl  
Stuhlberger, Wilhelm (Flak-Regiment 29)05-04-191700-00-1947more
Stuhlmacher, Hans-Georg04-06-1920 
Stuis, Fritz  
Stuiver, Johannes  
Stumm, Berthold  
Stump, Karl  
Stumpe, Erich05-08-190427-12-1994
Stumpf, Albert  
Stumpf, Erich (s.Pz.Abt. 510)09-02-192214-10-1944more
Stumpf, Franz  
Stumpf, Friedrich  
Stumpf, Jakob  
Stumpf, Karl  
Stumpf, Werner15-03-191713-10-1942
Stumpfeld, von, Hans-Joachim07-05-188126-05-1968
Stumpff, von, Karl-Leberecht, Ottomar Wilhelm16-01-189627-01-1943more
Stupening, Heinz26-08-192028-08-1942more
Stupp, Willi  
Stuppardt, Rudolf  
Stuppi, August  
Sturies, Helmut  
Sturm, Erich (Aufklärungs-Abteilung 97)  
Sturm, Günther (Artillerie-Regiment 353)  
Sturm, Hans Hermann (Infanterie-Regiment 473)29-07-192011-12-2004more
Sturm, Hans-Georg (Grenadier-Regiment 72)  
Sturm, Heinrich (Jagdgeschwader 52)12-06-192022-12-1944more
Sturm, Hermann (Sturmgeschütz-Abteilung 190)  
Sturm, Johann (Grenadier-Regiment 347)  
Sturm, Karl (Infanterie-Regiment 119)  
Sturm, Kurt (Waffen SS)24-10-1919 more
Sturm, Rudolf (Waffen SS)12-10-1912 more
Sturm, Wilhelm (Panzergrenadier-Regiment 115)  
Sturmfels, Dieter (Aufklärungsgruppe 22)  more
Stute, Anton  
Stute, Bernhard  
Stute, Hans  
Stute, Paul  
Stuttmann, Otto  
Stutzbach, Erdmann  
Stübben, Ernst-Richard  
Stüber, Eugen  
Stüber, Johann  
Stüber, Kurt  
Stübichen, Ernst Gottfried23-11-190420-02-1960
Stübing, Hans  
Stübler, Anton  
Stübner, Erhart (Sturmgeschütz-Abteilung 1021)24-07-1919 more
Stübs, Herbert  
Stück, Adolf11-03-1915 
Stück, Friedrich  
Stückler, Albert  
Stüdemann, Gerhard "Stutz" (Schlachtgeschwader 77)19-06-192006-12-1998more
Stühler, Josef  
Stühlmeyer, Heinrich  
Stühmeier, Wilhelm  
Stühmer, Gustav08-04-191416-02-1944more
Stülpnagel, Gerd00-00-1920 
Stülpnagel, von, Friedrich Gottlob Paul Ferdinand16-07-191307-07-1996
Stümmer, Erich  
Stümpel, Willi  
Stümpfl, Adolf00-00-191600-00-1960
Stümpfl, Franz  
Stünzner, von, Ewald21-06-191101-03-1994
Styr, Josef (SS-Pz.Gren.Reg. 9 "Germania")03-03-192030-06-1984more
Stürber, Vitus (Gren.Rgt. 71)06-04-190201-02-1943
Stürken, Joachim ("R 38")04-10-191402-07-1944
Stürmer, Heinz (Infanterie-Regiment 111)  
Stürmer, Robert (Grenadier-Regiment 1209)  
Stürmer, Wilhelm  
Stürtz, Werner  
Stürzenbaum, Wilhelm Dr. med. (SS-Pz-Gren.Reg.9)07-04-1910 
Stürzinger, Josef ('U-548')08-02-191430-04-1945
Stüssel, Georg09-02-1910 
Stüwe, Eberhard30-03-191406-06-1944
Stüwe, Kurt  
Stüwe, Wilhelm  
Stähler, Wilhelm-Heinrich (Schlachtgeschwader 2)23-09-192227-08-1978more
Ständer, Otto  
Stärk, Otto  
Stärke, Hermann  
Stäuber, Ekhard  
Stöber, Julius  
Stöber, Kurt24-04-191802-05-2000more
Stöckel, Hans  
Stöckel, Kurt  
Stöckert, Oskar (Artillerie-Regiment 818)  
Stöckert, Otto (Vp 716)20-08-1910 
Stöckhert, Hermann  
Stöckle, Friedrich  
Stöckle, Oskar  
Stöger, Georg  
Stöhr, Alfred  
Stöhr, Heinrich  
Stöhr, Herbert  
Stöhrer, Wilhelm  
Stöllinger, Olaf  
Stölting, Emil  
Stölting, Friedrich Wilhelm  
Stölting, Heinrich  
Störchel, Helmut18-01-191305-02-2004
Störmer, Horst-Joachim  
Störmer, Kurt  
Störmer, Wolfgang  
Suchan, Ulrich  
Suchomski, Walter (Kleinkampfflottille 266)26-03-192126-04-1945
Suchtrunk, Josef  
Suckel, Heinz  
Sucker, Karl  
Sudau, Erich  
Sudek, Herbert  
Sudek, Jürgen  
Suetterlin, Walter  
Suffa, Adolf  
Suffa, Hermann  
Suffa-Petri, Hilmar  
Suhl, Erich ('V 303')16-12-1901 
Suhr, Dr., Georg (schw. Artillerie-Abteilung 845)  
Sukowski, Ernst  
Sulzberger, Herbert (263. Infanterie-Division)29-11-1905 
Sulzer, Gottfried05-04-191816-06-1942more
Sum, Richard  
Sumpf, Hans27-03-191526-03-1942
Sumpf, Werner ('U-703')08-11-191911-10-1984
Sundermeier, Hans  
Sundermeier, Heinrich  
Sundmacher, Heinz14-10-190901-10-1996
Sunkel, Kurt27-02-191323-05-1997more
Supper, Stefan (Panzer-Artillerie-Regiment "GD")  
Suraj, Johannes  more
Surau, Alfred  
Surges, Stefan (Fallschirmjäger)  
Surmann, Wilhelm  
Susemihl, Heinz  
Susen, Gerhard (Sturmgeschütz-Abteilung 245)  
Susky, Vinzenz04-10-1921 
Sutor, Karl  
Sutter, Johann  
Suttmann, Paul  
Svec, Josef  
Svoboda Edler von Asticotal, von, Hubert29-12-189701-10-1976more
Swatosch, Kurt  
Swientek, Josef (SS-Art.Rgt. 3)01-02-191229-06-1991more
Swientek, Paul ('U-867')08-12-1916 
Swoboda, Friedrich20-03-1914 
Swoboda, Gerhard (Grenadier-Regiment 171)08-09-1919 more
Swoboda, Hans  
Sy, Erwin Paul (Lehr-Geschwader 1)21-08-191502-12-1942more
Sübklew, Friedrich-Wilhelm  
Syblik, Adolf  
Süchting, Rudolf  
Südel, Heinrich23-04-192012-08-2011more
Südhof, Georg  
Sydow, Harry  
Sydow, Helmut  
Sydow, Otto Adolf01-02-189624-06-1970
Sühling, Josef  
Sülberg, Ludwig  
Sylla, Herbert  
Sylla, Paul  
Sylvester, Hermann  
Sümmermann, Max  
Süpke, Otto  
Sürenhagen, Dieter  
Syring, Helmut  
Süss, Kurt  
Süss, Otto  
Süsskind-Schwendi, Freiherr von, Hugo  
Süß, Ernst (Jagdgeschwader 52)31-08-191220-12-1943more
Süßkind, Hans-Joachim  
Süßmann, Helmut (Artillerie-Regiment "GD")00-00-191600-00-2004
Szabo, Friedrich  
Szagun, Otto  
Szalla, Joachim  
Szameitat, Alfred  
Szameitat, Paul19-12-191902-01-1944
Szardien, Otto  
Szdlowska, Emil  
Szech, Heinrich  
Szeppat, Artur  
Säger, Heinz  
Sänger, David  
Sänger, Peter  
Säring, Alfred  
Sättele, Otto  
Sättler, Herbert  
Säuberlich, Friedrich  
Säumenicht, Rudolf (Waffen SS)13-02-191626-08-1944more
Säwert, Heinz 22-08-1944
Söffing, Waldemar  
Söffker, Rudolf  
Söllner, Albrecht  
Sölter, Willi18-07-191313-07-1995
Söth, Wilhelm Friedrich (Generalmajor)15-02-190306-07-1978more
Söthe, Fritz  
Sørensen, Per24-09-191324-04-1945more
