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Deutsches Kreuz in Gold

The German Cross (Deutschen Kreuz) is build up out of 5 separate parts and although the name suggests otherwise, it has the shape of a large 8-pointed breast star with in the center a large black swastika which is outlined in silver. The name of this award comes from this 21,5 mm big swastika. This swastika is placed upon a red-bordered silver disk and upon this red border is a golden laurel leaf wreath mounted. The golden wreath measures 39 mm across and is made out of single laurel leaves that are bounded together with a silk lint. At the bottom of the wreath is a square box with the year 1941 impressed into it. This date refers to the year of institution and from underneath this wreath emerge the eight star points. These points are chemically blackened and have the appearance of sunrays. Underneath these points is a 63 mm large silver backing plate placed which has the same shape as the award, only it’s slightly bigger so it forms the outer line of the award. At the reverse are 4 or 6 rivets visible and through the number of rivets you can recognize if the award was made in Germany or Austria. The German Crosses with 4 rivets were made in Germany and the pieces with 6 rivets in Austria. Further is there at the reverse a large width pin with a standard hook construction placed. If the award is marked with the LDO-number of the producer, then it is stamped in either the front or backside of the pin. To prevent damaging the award during combat, there was also a cloth version made. This cloth version has a metal wreath and the backing cloth colour is the same as the tunic colour of the corresponding Army branch. Fieldgrey is for the Army (Heer) and Waffen-SS, bleu-grey for the Air Force, (Luftwaffe) Marine bleu for the Navy (Kriegsmarine) and black for the Armored forces.

The German Cross in Gold (Deutsches Kreuz in Gold) was awarded for bravery and outstanding achievements in combat but where the Knight’s Cross wasn’t awarded for. The recipient did however already had to own the Iron Cross 1st Class (Eisernes Kreuz 1 Klasse) or Kriegsverdienstkreuz 1.Klasse with swords. The exact number of times that the German Cross in Gold was bestowed is still unknow at this time.

The OKW barred/stopped by decree the awarding of the Gernan Cross in Gold for "multiple remarkable services in troop leadership" from March 10th, 1945 on.

Bidermann, Gottlob-Herbert* August 28th, 1920
† September 1st, 2010

Grid List
NameDate of birthDate of deathAwards
Wieczorreck, Theodor  
Wied, Hans  
Wiede, Friedrich-Wilhelm27-02-191612-07-1944
Wiedeler, Hans  
Wiedemann, Bruno  
Wiedemann, Dr., Ernst  
Wiedemann, Gerhard (Fallschirmjäger-Regiment 3)  
Wiedemann, Gerhard (Flak-Reg.36)15-05-1913 
Wiedemann, Harry19-12-190909-05-1945
Wiedemann, Herbert  
Wiedemann, Josef  
Wiedemann, Oskar  
Wiedenberg, Ernst24-07-192009-01-2004
Wiedenhöft, Walter05-04-191502-06-1999
Wieditz, Wilhelm16-12-191415-04-1945
Wiedmann, Fritz  
Wiegand, Friedrich  
Wiegand, Fritz  
Wiegand, Gerhard 'Gerd' (Jagdgeschwader 26)30-03-192223-05-1994more
Wiegand, Helmut  
Wiegand, Konrad  
Wiegardt, Johann "Hans"06-01-191519-07-1943more
Wiegel, Friedrich  
Wiegels, Günter  
Wiegels, Hans-Hennig  
Wiegershaus, Hans  
Wiegert, Paul-Friedrich  
Wiegmann, Erich  
Wiegmann, Karl-Heinz  
Wiegmann, Rudolf  
Wiegraefe, Rolf  
Wiehl, Gerhard (Panzerjäger-Abteilung 123)  
Wiehlmann, Günther26-10-1919 
Wieland, Emil (Grenadier-Regiment 119)  
Wieland, Friedrich02-06-191415-11-2000more
Wieland, Helmut  
Wieland, Rolf  
Wieland, Walter  
Wielandt, Wolfgang  
Wiele, Egon10-02-192023-12-2001
Wielert, Albert  
Wieloch, Ernst  
Wiemann, Ernst11-10-191105-12-1944
Wiemann, Johannes Hans (Sicherungs-Regiment 45)17-12-188501-05-1960
Wiemer, Alois  
Wienand, Karl  
Wienbeck, Paul21-04-1907 
Wiencek, Franz  
Wienczek, Franz  
Wieneke, Dieter  
Wiener, Detlef  
Wieners, Wilhelm  
Wienholtz, Gerhard (schwere Artillerie-Abt. 48)  
Wieninger, Johann  
Wieninger, Richard29-03-191426-01-1944
Wienke, Hans23-02-190723-08-1943
Wienkötter, Johann07-10-192109-12-1944
Wiens, Arthur  
Wiesbauer, Josef (Gebirgsjäger-Regiment 141)23-11-1917 
Wiescheloh, Karl  
Wiese, August (Kampf-Geschwader 1)  more
Wiese, Edmund  
Wiese, Erich08-07-191331-12-1943
Wiese, Friedrich05-12-189213-02-1972more
Wiese, Gerhard (Pionier-Regimentsstab z.b.V. 614)  
Wiese, Heinz09-01-191320-02-2008
Wiese, Hermann  
Wiese, Hubert (Grenadier-Regiment 552)24-04-190628-01-1978more
Wiese, Johannes 'Hannes'07-03-191516-08-1991more
Wiese, Rolf  
Wiese, Rolf-Dietrich  
Wiese, Werner  
Wiese, Werner (Lw-StG 1)  
Wiese, Willi  
Wiesel, Hans  
Wiesemann, Emil Gottfried (Waffen SS)11-09-191414-11-1943more
Wiesemann, Helmut  
Wiesemann, Karl  
Wiesenbach, Franz  
Wiesend, Hermann08-12-1916 
Wiesenfarth, Eduard  
Wiesenhofer, Walter (Aufklärungsgruppe 22)  
Wieser, Alfons  
Wieser, Egon  
Wieser, Josef  
Wiesheu, Johann  
Wiesheu, Josef  
Wiesinger, Rupert  
Wiesmann, Hans  
Wiesmeier, Lorenz  
Wiesner, Alois  
Wiesner, Herbert15-07-191615-03-1978
Wiesner, Hermann  
Wiesner, Kurt  
Wiesner, Richard  
Wiesniewski, Johann26-12-191327-09-1942
Wiest, Franz  
Wiest, Moritz  
Wietasch, Kurt23-10-1916 
Wietersheim, von, Joachim Paul Friedrich (Flak)09-05-189626-08-1944
Wietersheim, von, Walter29-11-191719-01-2002more
Wietersheim, von, Wend Hans Georg Herbert Egmond C18-04-190019-09-1975more
Wiethaup, Josef  
Wiezorek, Paul  
Wiezorreck, Richard  
Wigge, Albert  
Wilamowitz-Möllendorf, von, Georg ('U-459')07-11-189327-07-1943more
Wilamowitz-Möllendorff, von, Hans  
Wilberg, Richard04-11-1909 
Wilbert, Josef (Pio.Btl.291)  more
Wilcke, Hans (Kriegsmarine)06-02-190914-10-1942
Wilcke, Henning (Luftwaffe)19-09-1907 
Wilcke, Robert (Reiter-Regiment 32)  
Wilcke, Wolf-Dietrich "Fürst" (JG 3 "Udet")11-03-191323-03-1944more
Wilckens, Wilhelm (Radfahr-Abteilung 176)10-01-1912 
Wild, Ernst-Eckard  
Wild, Johannes  
Wild, Otto  
Wild, von, Wolfgang26-04-190112-05-1964more
Wildau, Otto-Heinrich  
Wilde, Hans  
Wilde, Kurt22-05-1915 
Wilde, Paul  
Wilde, Walter  
Wilde, Wolfgang  
Wildenau, Arthur  
Wildenrother, Karl  
Wildermuth, Dr.jur., Hermann-Eberhard23-10-189009-03-1952more
Wildt, Ernst  
Wildt, Werner  
Wilfert, Albin  
Wilhelm, Franz  
Wilhelm, Friedrich  
Wilhelm, Georg15-08-1916 
Wilhelm, Gustav  
Wilhelm, Hans-Joachim25-05-192213-04-1945
Wilhelm, Jacob  
Wilhelm, Josef04-10-191704-10-1944
Wilhelm, Karl  
Wilhelm, Klaus03-06-191213-04-1942
Wilhelm, Rudolf  
Wilhelm, Werner  
Wilimzig, Hans-Joachim  
Wilinski, Hans  
Wilke, Ewald  
Wilke, Gerhard (Flak-Regiment 43)18-11-191905-01-1944
Wilke, Günther21-09-1919 
Wilke, Heinrich21-02-192123-06-1983
Wilke, Heinz-Joachim  
Wilke, Hermann  
Wilke, Karl-Eduard24-01-1901 more
Wilke, Karl-Friedrich  
Wilke, Karl-Heinz07-04-192321-11-2007
Wilke, Klaus-Dieter  
Wilke, Paul  
Wilke, Werner20-07-1916 
Wilkening, Joachim  
Will, Erwin  
Will, Fritz18-01-191928-08-1944
Wille, Georg (SS-Pz-Aufkl.Abt.11)  
Wille, Johannes  
Wille, Johannes ("U-129")08-11-192002-03-1945
Wille, Wollrath  
Willecke-Ahrens, Albert (Artillerie-Regiment 67)  
Willemer, Wilhelm  
Willems, Alfred30-08-191608-02-1943
Willenbacher, Rupprecht  
Willenbrinck, Franz  
Willer, Egon  
Willgeroth, Willfried  
Willich, Walter (Schnelle Abteilung 329)  
Williges, Heinrich  
Willikens, Dietrich10-09-1915 more
Willing, Ernst  
Willing, Georg  
Willing, Gerhard (Panzer-Regiment 33)28-11-191029-10-1943more
Willing, Paul  
Willinger, Wilhelm  
Willis, Falk  
Willius, Karl-Heinz "Charly"05-11-191908-04-1944
Willmes, Johannes  
Willms, Siebo21-11-191301-01-1945
Willms, Wilhelm  
Willnauer, Franz (SS-Gebirgsjäger-Regiment 14)14-12-1918 
Willner, Erwin  
Willner, Heinz  
Willno, Fritz26-03-1921 
Willomitzer, Wolfgang23-09-191730-11-1944
Willrett, Walter  
Wilmer, Walter  
Wilmsdorff, von, Hans-Joachim  
Wilnik, Bruno  
Wilsing, Ehrfried  
Wilutzky, Horst (376. Infanterie Division)10-04-190710-07-1969
Wilzopolski, Willi19-02-191003-03-1945
Wimmer, Albert  
Wimmer, Friedrich Wilhelm27-12-191205-07-1986more
Wimmer, Hans  
Wimmer, Johann20-11-191220-07-1983more
Wimmer, Johann  
Wimmer, Mathias  
Winckel, Ingo  
Winckler, Rainer03-09-191901-11-1943more
Windbiel, Anton16-08-191021-06-1986more
Windeck, Alois12-06-1908 
Windgassen, Heinz  
Windhorst, Heinrich (Schützen-Regiment 14)  
Windhöfer, Franz  
Windisch, August (Kampf-Geschwader 1)06-08-191403-09-1942
Windisch, Erich (Waffen SS)08-03-1918 more
Windmann, Erich25-12-189516-12-1974
Windmüller, Herbert10-06-191804-04-1944
Windten, Wilhelm  
Wineberger, Wilhelm (Gebirgsjäger-Regiment 98)17-10-1911 more
Winkel, Eberhard02-11-192021-03-1945
Winkelhake, Fritz  
Winkelmann, Karl Friedrich Otto01-02-191400-00-1976
Winkelmann, Walter17-08-1914 
Winkels, Gerhard (Schlacht-Geschwader)  
Winkhold, Willy  
Winkler, Adolf (Lw-KG 51)  
Winkler, Albert  
Winkler, Andreas  
Winkler, Dietrich  
Winkler, Edelhard  
Winkler, Erich  
Winkler, Gerhard (Jäger-Regiment 54)  
Winkler, Gerhard (XI. Flieger-Korps)18-02-1918 
Winkler, Hans  
Winkler, Hans (Lw-KG 1)  
Winkler, Hans (Lw-LG 1)  
Winkler, Hansjoachim  
Winkler, Heinz (Lw-StG 2) 31-01-1943
Winkler, Herbert  
Winkler, Johann04-09-1919 
Winkler, Karl  
Winkler, Kurt (Grenadier-Regiment 101)18-01-191211-02-1962
Winkler, Kurt (Grenadier-Regiment 245)  
Winkler, Kurt (Grenadier-Regiment 84)  
Winkler, Max (Arko)21-03-189024-01-1979
Winkler, Max (Jagdgeschwader 27)  
Winkler, Peter  
Winkler, von, Christian  
Winkler, Walter  
Winkler, Wilhelm  
Winkler, Wilhelm  
Winklhofer, Raimund  
Winnerl, Rudolf15-03-191626-02-1991more
Winnikes, Konrad  
Winning, von, Leopold  
Winter, Alfred (Infanterie-Regiment 14)  
Winter, Anton  
Winter, August  
Winter, Bruno  
Winter, Eduard  
Winter, Erich  
Winter, Erich  
Winter, Ernst  
Winter, Franz02-03-191717-03-2004
Winter, Franz  
Winter, Franz (WH-Aufklärer)  
Winter, Friedrich (Grenadier-Regiment 1)  
Winter, Friedrich (Lw-Nahaufklärungsgruppe)23-03-191815-03-1995
Winter, Friedrich (Panzerjäger-Abteilung 43)  
Winter, Gerhard (Panzer-Abteilung 21)  
Winter, Hans27-02-1918 
Winter, Helmut  
Winter, Herbert  
Winter, Herbert-Asmus  
Winter, Hubert  
Winter, Josef  
Winter, Josef  
Winter, Kurt (Artillerie-Regiment 258)  
Winter, Kurt (Jäger-Regiment 83)29-04-191220-03-1993
Winter, Louis-Ferdinand  
Winter, Paul23-07-1912 
Winterfeld, von, Hild-Wilfried00-00-190300-03-1943
Wintergerst, Karl15-04-189200-00-1945
Winterhoff, Heinz04-07-1918 
Winterhoff, Hermann  
Winterle, Rolf  
Winterling, Hermann  
Winters, Karl18-10-1921 
Wintter, Dieter  
Winzen, Karl02-04-191221-12-1977
Winzenhöler, Fritz  
Winzer, Wolfgang  
Winzker, Kurt  
Wiontzek, Siegfried  
Wiora, Leo  
Wippenbeck, Lorenz  
Wipper, Paul  
Wippermann, Helmut  
Wippich, Walter  
Wirges, Albert03-05-191302-11-1944
Wirges, Ferdinand  
Wirkner, Walter  
Wirsing, Karl-Heinz05-04-1907 
Wirsing, Rudolf  
Wirth, Johann  
Wirth, Karl  
Wirth, Konrad  
Wirths, Willi14-01-1913 
Wirtz, Ludwig  
Wirtz, Mathias  
Wirtz, Wilhelm  
Wirwahn, Walter  
Wirxel, Hermann  
Wirzoch, Gustav  
Wisch, Theodor Peter Johann "Teddi" (Waffen SS)13-12-190711-01-1995more
Wischeropp, Hermann (Pz-Armee-OK.4)  
Wischmann, Walter  
Wischnewski, Fritz  
Wischnewski, Hermann09-02-191728-11-1993more
Wischniewski, Bruno  
Wisliceny, Günther Eberhardt (Waffen SS)05-09-191225-08-1985more
Wisniewski, Alfred  
Wisniewski, Felix  
Wisniewski, Gerhard (Grenadier-Regiment 409)  
Wisotzki, Friedrich  
Wissel, Gustav  
Wissemann, Hanns-Joachim22-06-191530-12-1942
Wisser, Erich  
Wissing, Gustav  
Wisskirchen, Meinhard  
Wissmann, Gerhard (Schützen-Regiment 13)22-11-1906 
Wissmann, von, Helmuth  
Wiswedel, Dr., Artur  
Wisweh, Bernhard24-09-191901-04-1989
Witiska, Rudi  
Witt, Bruno  
Witt, Cornelius  
Witt, Fritz (Waffen SS)25-05-190814-06-1944more
Witt, Heinz15-07-191726-04-2001more
Witt, Helmuth07-02-190417-02-1991
Witt, Herbert  
Witt, Hermann28-06-189210-12-1988
Witt, Karl-Heinz18-02-1917 
Witt, Wilhelm  
Witt, Willi  
Wittchow, von Brese-Winiary, Heinz (PGR 108)13-01-191403-12-1995more
Witte, Bernhard26-09-1916 
Witte, Erwin  
Witte, Friedrich  
Witte, Friedrich (Lw-Aufklärungsgruppe)  
Witte, Gerhard (Panzergrenadier-Regiment 25)02-02-191616-04-2009more
Witte, Heinrich  
Witte, Herbert (Infanterie-Regiment 154)  more
Witte, Joachim Franz15-02-1910 
Witte, Otto  
Witte, Werner05-01-191515-07-1943
Wittek, Ludwig  
Witten, Artur  
Wittenbecher, Fritz  
Wittenbecher, Heinz05-08-191415-07-1943more
Wittenbecher, Otto  
Wittenberg, Karl  
Wittenberg, Willi  
Wittenstein, Heinz-Willi19-11-191200-03-1945
Wittenzellner, Johann  
Wittgenstein, Freiherr von , Leo-Volkhard13-07-191322-02-1945more
Witthaus, Heinrich09-05-191410-07-1944more
Wittich, Oskar  
Wittig, Erich  
Wittig, Gerhard (Zerstörer-Geschwader 1)  
Wittig, Hans  
Wittig, Heinrich25-03-1905 more
Wittig, Karl-Heinz27-07-191829-12-1984more
Wittig, Walter15-10-192019-07-2013
Wittke, Walter26-09-188720-07-1955
Wittkemper, Alois (Kampfgeschwader 27)03-06-191910-01-1944more
Wittkopf, Heinrich15-08-189212-02-1946more
Wittkopf, Willi  
Wittkopp, Otto  
Wittkuhn, Gerhard (Grenadier-Regiment 552)  
Wittlinger, Michael  
Wittmann, Alfred (Grenadier-Regiment 546)20-05-190626-07-1960more
Wittmann, August (Generalleutnant)20-07-189529-03-1977more
Wittmann, Herbert (KG 53 "Legion Condor")03-01-191426-07-2007more
Wittmann, Johann (Gebirgsjäger-Regiment 98)  
Wittmann, Johann (Grenadier-Regiment 405)  
Wittmann, Jürgen (Panzerjäger-Abteilung 32)  
Wittmann, Max (Infanterie-Regiment 41)  
Wittmann, Richard (Nacht-Schlacht-Gruppe 20)09-06-1922 more
Wittmann, Wilhelm (Werfer-Regiment 56)  
Wittmer, Friedrich-Wilhelm  
Wittmer, Heinrich28-02-191027-06-1992more
Wittmer, Siegfried  
Wittmoser, Kurt  
Wittmüss, Erich  
Wittoesch, Walter  
Witton, Joachim14-04-192021-03-1945
Wittrien, Max  
Wittrin, Fritz  
Wittrock, Josef22-01-191329-12-1957
Wittschieben, Peter  
Wittwer, Alfons  
Wittwer, Herbert28-05-191016-01-1990more
Wittwer, Hermann  
Wittwer, Karl  
Wittwer, Paul  
Witzani, Willibald  
Witzel, Heinz  
Witzig, Rudolf14-08-191603-10-2001more
Witzke, von, Gerhard (Divisions-Füsilier-Bat. 131)  
Witzleben, von, Herrmann  
Witzleben, von, Job-Wilhelm Henning Dietrich04-08-191600-00-1999more
Witznick, Hermann  
Wixwat, Paul  
Wißmath, Walter  
Wobbe, Paul  
Wobels, Walther  
Wobker, Paul  
Wochnik, Helmut  
Wode, Werner30-04-1915 more
Wodrig, Albert16-07-188331-10-1972more
Woehl, Robert  
Woehrl, Franz  
Woellner, Siegfried  
Woesler, Gerhard (Flak-Regiment 26)08-04-1909 
Wogatz, Ernst  
Wogeck, Kurt  
Wohinz, Josef  
Wohlers, Heinrich16-03-191215-03-1944
Wohlert, Herbert  
Wohlfahrt, Alfred  
Wohlfahrt, Valentin  
Wohlfarth, Erich  
Wohlfarth, Werner  
Wohlfeil, Otto13-12-191622-05-1986
Wohlfeil, Rudolf  
Wohlgemuth, Karl15-09-191729-08-1983more
Wohlleben, Wolfgang  
Wohlleber, Karl  
Wohlrab, Anton  
Wohlrab, Rudolf  
Wohlschlag, Ernst  
Wohne, Karl  
Wohnhas, Walter10-06-191804-05-2002more
Woidich, Franz02-01-192105-07-2004
Woidschützke, Erwin  
Woite, Egon27-02-1905 
Woitech, Josef  
Woith, Hans-Joachim (SS-Pz-Gren.Reg. 19)25-07-191001-07-1944more
Woitschach, Herbert  
Woitzel, Werner  
Wolber, Friedrich07-02-192024-08-1992
Wolbring, Florentin  
Woldmann, Paul  
Woletz, Walter  
Wolf, Adolf (Grenadier-Regiment 421)  
Wolf, Adolf (LW-Flak)23-05-189911-03-1973more
Wolf, Albin28-10-192002-04-1944more
Wolf, Alfred (Panzer-Regiment 23)07-07-191404-12-2000
Wolf, Alois03-10-191222-07-1962
Wolf, Arno  
Wolf, Eduard (Grenadier-Regiment 72)  
Wolf, Emil12-10-189310-10-1944
Wolf, Erhard  
Wolf, Erich (Kampf-Geschwader 51)  more
Wolf, Ernst (Panzerjäger-Abteilung 8)  
Wolf, Ferdinand  
Wolf, Friedrich 'Fritz' (Kampf-Geschwader 76)25-10-191811-07-1943more
Wolf, Friedrich (Aufklärungsgruppe 31)18-07-1915 more
Wolf, Friedrich (Schlacht-Geschwader)  more
Wolf, Fritz (Grenadier-Regiment 17)  
Wolf, Fritz (Kampf-Geschwader 3)20-01-191417-03-1944more
Wolf, Fritz (Waffen SS)21-02-192000-00-1982
Wolf, Georg  
Wolf, Gerhard (U-752)23-10-1914 
Wolf, Gotthold (Infanterie-Regiment 961)12-03-1897 more
Wolf, Hans (Stuka-Geschwader 1)24-07-1917 more
Wolf, Heinrich (Artillerie-Regiment 36)  
Wolf, Heinz (Lw-Kampfgeschwader)27-10-191413-03-2011
Wolf, Heinz (Waffen SS)  
Wolf, Herbert (Transport-Geschwader 3)  more
Wolf, Hermann27-12-191921-10-1996
Wolf, Hugo26-01-1914 more
Wolf, Johann (SS-Panzer-Regiment 5)  
Wolf, Josef (Fallschirm-Panzer-Pionier-Bataillon)  
Wolf, Josef (Kampfgruppe z.b.V. 800)  
Wolf, Karl (Infanterie-Regiment 186)  
Wolf, Karl (Torpedoboot "Kondor")  
Wolf, Kurt (Flak-Abteilung)  
Wolf, Kurt (Luftlande-Sturm-Regiment 1)  
Wolf, Lothar (Lw-Kampfgeschwader 4)  more
Wolf, Lothar (Panzer-Regiment 27)  
Wolf, Ludwig (Waffen SS)05-02-191617-05-1945
Wolf, Martin (3. Nachtaufklärungsstaffel)18-01-191329-04-1944
Wolf, Michael  
Wolf, Otto (Artillerie-Regiment 227)  
Wolf, Otto (Jäger-Regiment 83)  
Wolf, Otto (Lw-StG 1)  
Wolf, Paul29-05-189511-02-1942more
Wolf, Philipp  
Wolf, Richard (Grenadier-Regiment 208)18-03-189409-05-1972more
Wolf, Rudolf (Grenadier-Regiment 474)  
Wolf, Rudolf (Lw-Stör-Kampf-Staffel 2)  
Wolf, Theobald (Jäger-Regiment 56)  
Wolf, Walter (Lw-Aufklärungsgruppe)  more
